Setting Sun Sets the Stage for Multiple Vehicle Crashes


Currently, the San Angelo Police Department are working several crashes on Loop 306. Because of these crashes, traffic is backed up, so drivers are encouraged to use an alternate route to get to their destination.

Crashes on Loop 306 (LIVE! Photo/John Basquez)

At 5:44 p.m., SAPD was called out to one of the crashes on West Houston Harte Expressway between Glenna and Howard Streets.

According to officials on the scene, the two-car crash involved the driver of a Dodge Ram 1500 pickup crashing into the driver of a gray SUV. Since the sunlight is being blamed for the cause of the crash, no citations will be issued, officials stated. Also, there are no injuries.

Crashes on Loop 306 (LIVE! Photo/John Basquez)

In another crash, about a half block away, near Central High School, the driver of a Mustang crashed into the driver of a white Toyota, who was taken to the hospital with injuries. Although the sun was also a factor in that crash, the driver received a citation for failure to control speed.

Crashes on Loop 306 (LIVE! Photo/John Basquez)

Traffic was backed up from Howard to Main Streets on the westbound lane. Traffic continues to remain slow.

Crash on Loop 306 (Contributed Photo/LIVE! Reader)

More information will be posted shortly on another accident between Chadbourne and Bryant.

Update 7:13 p.m.

In another crash off of the Chadbourne Street overpass on Loop 306, a green Toyota Tundra traveling westbound on the loop didn't see the traffic backed up by the other accidents. He was also blinded by the sun, so he ran into a Chevy Silverado pickup. The crash caused him to veer to the right, and his right side front wheel came off the truck, which caused him to sideswipe a maroon Ford Explorer. He then came to rest. No citations were issued in this crash, and there were no major injuries. The driver of the Chevy pickup did, however, complain of back pain and was transported by his wife to an area hospital for treatment.

Crash on Loop 306 (Contributed Photo/LIVE! Reader)

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