Funeral Plans Announced for Fallen DPS Trooper


The Texas DPS announced funeral arrangements for DPS Trooper Sgt. Karl Keesee who was killed in the line-of-duty in a tragic car crash.

The funeral is scheduled for Tuesday, Nov. 3 at 1 p.m. at Austin Avenue Church of Christ. The church is located at 1020 Austin Avenue in Brownwood. 

Interment will be held at the Pleasant Valley Cemetery, located approximately 13 miles North of Brownwood on US 183, then West on FM 2273 for ½ mile.

The plans for the funeral procession are:

  • Leave the church headed West on Austin Avenue (FM 2524). 
  • Turn right on to Main Street (US 377) and then
  • turn right on to E Commerce (US 67). 
  • Turn left on to US 183 and drive approximately 12 1/2 miles north. 
  • Turn left on to FM 2273 and travel west approximately ½ mile.

Keesee, 49, was driving southbound on U.S. Highway 84 on Oct. 29 near Goldthwaite when his patrol vehicle left the roadway, traveled over the guardrail and into a creek bed. The crash was reported at approximately 11:25 p.m. after a passing motorist noticed debris on the roadway. The exact time of the crash and the cause are still under investigation.

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