Alleged Unlicensed, Uninsured Speed Racer Hauling 5 Kids Rolls F-150 Pickup


Police said an uninsured driver of an F-150 who held a suspended driver’s license lost control and rolled her truck several times at approximately 7 p.m. The truck rolled through a fenceline before coming to a rest.

Police said that a witness told them that she was travelling at a high rate of speed.

The woman was traveling southbound into San Angelo on N. Bryant Blvd. with five kids in her extended cab pickup—three kids in the back, and two in the front. The kids ranged in ages from seven to 12, police said.

The truck had five kids in it when it rolled. (LIVE! Photo/John Basquez)

Above: The truck had five kids in it when it rolled. (LIVE! Photo/John Basquez)

Police said that the driver was cited for failure to control speed, driving at an excessive speed, driving with license suspended, and no insurance.

There were two minor injuries that police reported. One of the children was complaining of pain in his shoulder and the driver had a laceration to her left wrist. The driver had a friend or family member transport her to San Angelo Community Medical Center.

Everyone was wearing a seatbelt and there were no ejections from the Ford.

The crash happened near the intersection of Riverside Dr. and didn’t involve any other vehicles.

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Remember, your legally retarted if you IQ is 70 or below, that's what the law says. I would say the IQ here is maybe nearing 50.

You misspelled retarded. And as a father of a child that's mentally challenged I'd like for you to use that word in front of me.

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