Two Mustangs Collide, Dachshund Survives


Two Ford Mustangs collided Thursday afternoon at the intersection of S. Oakes St. and Ave. L.

According to San Angelo police, a red Mustang was headed west on Ave. L attempting to turn left (south) onto S. Oakes. Meanwhile, a maroon Mustang was headed east on Ave. L. The red Mustang may have had a green light, but did not yield like the law says you should do. The red Mustang turned in front of the maroon Mustang, and the maroon Mustang hit the red Mustang.

Two Mustangs collide on April 30, 2015. (LIVE! Photo/Amanda Henson)

Luckily, a guard rail kept the red Mustang from being pushed into the used car lot, Longhorn Motors, and causing more damage.

Police said there were juveniles in the maroon Mustang and the parents fetched them, turning down treatment at the scene. The woman driving the red Mustang also turned down treatment, and expressed her relief that her Dachshund wiener dog passenger was not injured either.

The red Mustang driver was cited for driving without a license and failure to yield the right-of-way.

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