Motorcycle Crashes Near Police Academy


​The Department of Public Safety is investigating what appears to be a single motorcycle crash in the 3800 block of RM 584 near the San Angelo Police Academy.

The maroon and black motorcycle is a two-seater, however the main seat has been ripped off and is lying on the ground. 

An ambulance responded to the scene and has left without lights and sirens. Whether or not the ambulance was occupied by a rider has not been confirmed. 

Tom Green County Sheriff's deputies, the Pecan Creek VFD and TxDPS are tending the scene.

The contents of the saddlebag were strewn about the road in the crash and skidmarks on the road look as if the motorcycle was headed northbound.

Update 12:25 p.m.

A single motorcyclist was transferred to the hospital with non-incapacitating injuries, troopers said. He was traveling northbound when the crash occurred.

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Wonder if the rider was wearing a helmet? Don't understand why
motorcycle riders think they are many would still be
here today if they would have had a helmet on? ALOT!
Hope they had it on

Well now; all the macho riders choose to ride with or without a bump hat. That's not mentioned in the article, BTW. Regardless, I wish the rider a speedy recovery, and hope that he/she is able to get on the road again ASAP. Now, we can all go back to sipping our coffee and solving problems of the world.

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