Driver Flees After Rear-Ending Oil Field Work Truck


Oil field workers driving west down Sherwood Way Wednesday evening were startled when a white four-door sedan slammed into the rear of their Ford F-250 truck with Raider Pressure Pumping decals on the doors.

By the time we arrived, the oil field workers, who had pulled their relatively unscathed company pickup into a parking lot near Rosa’s were cursing who they said was a drunk kid who interrupted their travels by rear-ending them.

“He was here. Right here,” said one of the oil field workers. “He even said to me that he was drunk.” Then the alleged drunk driver took off running when the oil field workers asked if he had insurance. No one knows where he went.

San Angelo police identified the incident as a hit-and-run, and began their search for the driver. Police said they gathered information from the vehicle’s registration and believe that the driver was insured.

The suspect at-large was described as a Hispanic male in his 20s.

The crash happened around 10 p.m. in front of Rosa's Cafe on Sherwood Way.

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