Police Investigate Dead Body Found on 87 North


San Angelo police are investigating a dead body found this morning off of US 87 North. Crime scene tape is stretched across the frontage road on the northbound side, marking off a large swath of land around where the body is located. 

A media conference is scheduled for 10 a.m.; more details to come after the conference. The San Angelo Police Department and firemen from a volunteer department are tending the scene. 

Reports are that the person was hit by a vehicle, but we have not confirmed that. The exact location is US 87 North at Humble Road, near the Knights of Columbus Hall.

UPDATE: 10 a.m.

San Angelo Police Sgt. Brian Robinson gave the following information during a press conference at the scene:

“At approximately 8:30 this morning we received a call about an unconscious person here along the roadway. Officers responded, along with paramedics, and determined that the subject was deceased.

“He is a 20 year old, white male. That is all we are releasing at this point; we are still searching for next of kin.

“All we know at this point is that sometime during the night—we have no idea when--a suspect either hit the [subject] with a vehicle; we are still working to determine that, but we have no information on the suspect vehicle or anything at this time.

Robinson said Criminal Investigation Division and Traffic personnel are investigating the case.

He said the deceased man was carrying identification, which listed a San Angelo address, and he was pronounced dead at the scene by Justice of the Peace J.P. McGuire.

He said a passing motorist saw the body in the median between U.S. Highway 87 northbound, near the Knights of Columbus hall, and called authorities.

“We are only an hour into the investigation,” Robinson said. “We really don’t have much, but we are investigating it as a possible hit and run.

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