The was a multiple-vehicle pile-up at the intersection of Sunset Drive and Southwest Blvd. early Sunday afternoon. The 911 call came in at 12:25 p.m.
At the scene, there appear to be some injuries. A Lincoln MKZ, a blue Ford Taurus LX, a blue Toyota 4-Runner, and a Chevrolet 2500 pickup truck owned by Systems Electiric have damage. It appears to be a cascading rear-ending of vehicles.
There was only one Japanese-manufactured vehicle in this crash.
We will update this story once the investigation is complete.
Update 1:00 p.m.
No vehicle in this crash was spared. Each of them is being towed away by Home Motors.
Update 1:22 p.m.
The San Angelo police investigation is complete and the following is what was found:
“A 2001 Ford Taurus was southbound on Southwest Blvd, probably [traveling] a little bit over the speed limit. I’m unable to determine that for a fact, but based on the amount of damage that’s what it looks like,” the investigating officer said.
“He left the roadway, prior to approaching the intersection at Sunset. He took out traffic sign, then re-entered the roadway, and collided with the rear of an SUV (the Toyota 4-Runner) that was stopped for the traffic light,” he said.
The impact pushed the 4-Runner into another vehicle in front of the 4-Runner. The Taurus then veered to the left and collided with another vehicle that was stopped at the light.
The driver of the Taurus sustained injuries. He was treated at the scene and released.
The injured Taurus driver was cited for failure to control speed and for driving with a suspended license.
The police said that the Taurus driver said his glasses slipped, and fell off his face onto the floorboard. He was attempting to retrieve them when he ran off the roadway
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