Texas Department of Public Safety, Tom Green County Sheriff's Deputies and Grape Creek Volunteer Fire Department responded to a one vehicle rollover around 9:30 a.m. on F.M. 2288 near Loch Lomond St.
According to DPS Trooper Walts, the maroon F-350 was heading southbound on 2288 when the driver of the vehicle dozed off. He exited the roadway into the west bar ditch, woke up and over corrected, then came back on the road, side skidded and exited on the east bar ditch.
Once he exited on the east bar ditch he hit a slight enbankment and rolled into a barbed whire fence and came to rest on all four tires. Debris was scattered all over the scene, and the drivver was treated at the scene for minor scratches and scrapes.
According to Trooper Walts, the driver will be cited for failure to drive in single lane. Walts said the man was heading from Odessa to San Angelo when the crash occurred.
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