SAN ANGELO, TX- The 6-Man All-State teams have been released and several players from the Concho Valley area made the list.
Water Valley leads the way with 4 players making the All-State Teams followed by Garden City with 3. Sterling City and Irion County with 2 players. Sterling City and Eden both get a player who received honorable mentions.
The 1st team includes 2 players from Water Valley, Sterling City, and Garden City and 1 player from Irion County.
- Kyle Bannister-SR- Tight End- Water Valley
- Canon Wiese -SR- Running Back- Water Valley
- Damian Calderon -SR- Wide Receiver- Sterling City
- Kas Johnson- JR- Utility- Sterling City
- Jordan Jones- JR- Special Teams- Garden City
- Owen Seidenberger- JR- Nose Guard- Garden City
- Bo Marrow- JR- Irion County
The 2nd team has 4 area players including 2 from Water Valley and 1 each from Garden City an Irion County.
- Tristen Himes- JR- Tight End- Water Valley
- Tallon Hayes- FR- Linebacker- Water Valley
- John Lopez- JR- Fullback- Garden City
- Trevin Toffell- JR- Spreadback- Irion County
2 players, 1 from Sterling City and 1 from Eden get an honorable mention.
- Will Sisco- SR- Tight Center- Sterling City
- Julian Gamboa- SR- Utility- Eden
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