Grass Fire Raged Off Glass Road in Grape Creek


The Grape Creek Volunteer Fire Department battled a sizable grass fire Saturday afternoon that threatened 10 structures near the 10000 block of Glass Road this afternoon.

Spokesman Jared Thomason said the fire department was dispatched at 3:20 p.m. Quail Valley, Dove Creek, Water Valley, and the Carlsbad VFDs assisted. Tom Green County Emergency Services Coordinator was also on scene.

“The rain helped considerably,” Thomason said. The fire originated from a controlled burn that quickly grew out-of-control by high winds. In all, the VFDs used 10,000 gallons of water to extinguish flames.

Around one structure, Thomason said, weeds towering over seven feet high complicated firefighter efforts. It was the only structure that the VFD almost lost.

Thomason said that even though the Tom Green County Commissioners’ Court lifted the burn ban through the weekend, he suggests not burning anything because of the dry conditions. “And mow your grass,” Thomason said.

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Yep, sure is a good thing the commissioners lifted that burn ban..... With 10 structures threatened, I bet there's at least 10 people who think it was a pretty stupid idea to lift it.........

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