WATCH: San Angelo Chamber of Commerce Holds First Public Event Since Lockdown Began

SAN ANGELO, TX – The San Angelo Chamber of Commerce held its first in person luncheon Tuesday since the coronavirus lockdown began and Tom Green County Judge Steve Floyd was the main speaker. 

The event was held on July 14 at the Fort Concho Stables. To get inside the door members of the chamber had to pass a temperature screening. Masks were required to the event but once at the tables they were allowed to remove them to eat the meal catered by the River View Restaurant. 

First the new president of the Chamber of Commerce, Walt Koenig, gave the introduction which included the pledge of allegiance and then the group held a prayer blessing the food. Then newly elected Chairmen of the Board for the Chamber and CEO at Shannon Medical Center Shane Plymell introduced Judge Floyd. 

Floyd started by telling a few jokes and then by giving a basic tutorial on how the counties elective positions are set up. 

"As the county judge I am part mayor, part city manager, still part judge, part politician, and then part bureaucrat." said Judge Floyd. "There are 28 different elected positions, of which I am one of those, they are autonomous. They answer to you."

He then went on to speak about the new jail that was just completed. Here is the story on when the inmates moved in: WATCH: Tom Green County Deputies Move Prisoners Into the New Jail

Finally the judge finished his speech with an update on the COVID-19. He says the county's main goal is to keep residents safe. 

"You have to make decisions that maintain the continuity of our operation." said Judge Floyd. "We'll deal with this COVID-19 until one of two things. The good lord wiggles his little finger or COVID gets through with us and I'm here to get through it the best we can." 

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Wabo73, Wed, 07/15/2020 - 11:26

So who gets fined there? There’s more than 9 in that stable no more gathers of 10 or more and not everyone wearing a mask it’s $250? Or $500? Pictures show who is and isn’t chop chop get to it Numbers spike OH LETS HAVE A IN PERSON POW WOW morons I hope everyone one gets sick


To cultist. You are free to continue your lies just remember God will not be mocked. God is real, HE exists. Don’t lump all God fearing people into the same category. Good and evil exists in both parties and in all walks of life, race, color or people. “ the fear of God is the beginning of wisdom” proverbs 9

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