New Knickerbocker Starbucks Now Serving


SAN ANGELO, TX — The new Starbucks on Knickerbocker Road has officially begun to serve customers. 

A "now open" sign has been placed in front of the business located at 1225 Knickerbocker Rd, where Bush's Chicken used to be. 

The New Starbucks on Knickerbocker Rd Officially Opened on Sep. 9.

The New Starbucks on Knickerbocker Rd Officially Opened on Sep. 9.

This is the sixth Starbucks to open in San Angelo. Here's a list of the other locations: 

  1. Starbucks 3217 Sherwood Way
  2. Starbucks 403 W 3rd St
  3. Starbucks 1910 Rosemont Dr
  4. Starbucks 5651 Sherwood Way
  5. Starbucks 3121 Sunset Dr, inside Market Street

In the June 2024 building and inspections report, Starbucks requested a permit for $400,000 worth of renovations, which the City of San Angelo approved.

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