Grill-A-Burger Celebrates 1 Year in Business


SAN ANGELO, TX – Often, those of us who have lived in San Angelo for more than 5 years, we daydream about steak fingers from the long gone Chadbourne location of Charcoal House.  But one couple decided to make that daydream a reality.

Eric and Katherine Martinez fell in love over steak fingers when they were in high school here in San Angelo.  These high school sweethearts were sad to hear that The Charcoal House, where those first steak fingers and many afterward sparked a relationship that has lasted for decades and four boys, had closed.

Katherine is no stranger to operations having held an operations position at Performant before retiring after 20 years with the company just this year.  "I have worked making money for others, why not us. Together we are a solid team!" she said.

They reopened the eatery in November 2016 with the former Charcoal House's core menu items in place: chicken strips, steak fingers, wings. It's under a new name now, Grill-A-Burger.  The 1950s atmosphere, cardboard cars that kids meals are delivered in, and the iconic gorilla on their logo make this a unique trip to the past for the sweethearts and patrons. Go try them at 1205 N. Chadbourne St.

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Sorry, I completely looked over adding in the address. Thankfully, Joe rectified the situation.

However, just for a head's up, this was not a paid for article.  I was the emcee at the event as a very active member of The San Angelo Concho Cadre, an extension of the San Angelo Chamber of Commerce.

Thank you for reading!


San Angelo has lots of great eateries on the north side. Congrats to Eric and Katherine. Also, I enjoyed mention of the Charcoal House. The steak fingers defined a certain nostalgia for me too.

Brandy, how about a continuing series on the family-run spots around town.

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