Local Attorneys Achieve Fellows of the Texas Bar Foundation Membership


Thirteen local attorneys recently were elected to membership in the Fellows of the Texas Bar Foundation.

Election is a mark of distinction and recognition of each attorney’s contributions to the legal profession.

Foundation members are selected for their outstanding professional achievements and their demonstrated commitment to the improvement of the justice system in Texas.

The local attorneys elected include: Jon J. Bailey, Larry W. Bale, Karen W. Best, Michael E. Deadman, Carmen S. Dusek, Wes M. Giesecke, Brad R. Goodwin, Andrew M. Graves, Judge Ben Nolen, Dana B. Nolen, Gonzalo P. Rios, Scott E. Templeton, and Judge Jay Weatherby.

Fellowship in the Texas Bar Foundation is restricted to members of the State Bar of Texas. Annually, only one-third of one percent of State Bar members are invited to become Fellows. Once invited, they must be elected by the Texas Bar Foundation Board of Trustees.

Begun in 1965, Texas Bar Foundation now counts more than 8,500 Fellows.

The Texas Bar Foundation is the nation’s largest charitably-funded foundation. To date, the Foundation has distributed more than $15 million throughout Texas to assist nonprofit organizations with a wide range of justice-related programs and services.


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