San Angelo Man Arrested for Trying to Take Gun from Officer Possible Stolen Vehicle Suspect


At 1:41 p.m. today, officers responded to a call at the Nevada East Apartments, 1645 Sunset Dr., for a suspicious person. He was identified by Officer R. Spearman and Officer E. Tabone as Shawn Sanchez, 30, of San Angelo, said Sgt. Cade Solsbery, public information officer for SAPD.

Investigators are looking into the possibility that Sanchez was the driver of a stolen vehicle that crashed in the 1600 block of Sunset Drive San Angelo LIVE! reported earlier this morning. However, that portion of the investigation is still ongoing, Solsbery stated.

Officer Spearman, however, was able to confirm Sanchez had outstanding warrants. When the officer attempted to place the man under arrest by placing handcuffs on him, Sanchez began to resist and fight with Spearman.

During the struggle, Sanchez attempted to remove Officer Spearman’s duty weapon from its holster. Spearman was able to prevent him from doing so, and Officer Tabone deployed his taser on Sanchez to prevent him from getting access to Spearman’s weapon. The officers then took Sanchez into custody. Detective Elrod and Detective Lajoie responded to investigate the incident.

Solsbery stated that Sanchez was transported to Shannon Medical Center for treatment of his injuries. At the conclusion of the initial investigation, the man was charged with outstanding warrants, resisting arrest, and attempting to take a weapon from a peace officer, which is a State Jail Felony. This is Sanchez's 15th arrest.

At this time, the investigation is ongoing.

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Listed By: Doctor Ding-bat

Good Lord, if I had those ears on my head, I'd be in the bathroom with a pair of dull scissors trimming about half of them off.........

Listed By: Yosemite Sam

15 arrests and this scofflaw is still on the streets. It's no wonder the citizenry are fed up.

Listed By: km mitchell

He tried to take my gun. What injuries did the suspect have? He was probably beat up pretty bad. To justify as to why. He tried to take my gun. Works every time.

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