Dusty Thompson Announces Candidacy For Constable


The Republican Office of San Angelo was packed wall to wall last night as several city officials anxiously awaited to find out if they would have an opponent in 2016’s general election. While some will be running opponent-free, that is not the case for Constable of Precinct 2, Deen Dickson.

Local business owner, Dusty Thompson, announced his candidacy for Constable of Precinct 2, and stated, “The reason I am running is for the simple fact that I like to do things for the public, as well as the children in our community. Our constables here have become complacent and not really putting forth the effort that I feel they could do.”

While Dickson said that they constable’s job is to serve court paper, evictions, subpoenas, and bailiff for the courts, Thompson feels that the job is much more than that.

“We need to be doing more than just handing out civil process papers. We need to do more for the community, as far as getting out and working and pulling the people who don’t go to court and making sure they attend court,” he said.

Thompson also added, “While our police department is ensuring that all of the emergencies are taken care of promptly, they can’t always get out into the neighborhoods where the kids are playing in the streets, running around and having a good time and actually slowing the people down. So I could actually get out into the community and help do that--and not have to be a bad guy about it. [I can] just say, ‘Hey, there are kids playing out here.’”

As a business owner, Thompson noted, “I watch dollars and cents; everything’s about business. If our tax payers are paying out for a 40 hour a week job, that’s what they should be getting. If I am elected, I will be giving a full 40 hours and then some.”

Thompson has been the owner of Southern Industrial Engines and Southern Industrial Towing since 2011. He stated that even in his business, one of his goals is to help out the community.

“We pulled a vehicle out of the pond on Parkview. We did it all free of charge because they could not afford it and we also gave that family $150 in gift certificates for food because they did not have a car; they did not have any means,” he said.

Thompson said he feels that being a successful and caring business owner is a prime reason why he should be elected as constable.

“I’ve taken my business from where I literally paid $500 a month in rent on a shop to make a living out of, and then turned it into a million dollar business," he stated. "If I can do that with my money, what can I do with the community’s? I am not doing it for the money; I am doing it for the community.”

Information about city elections can be found at cosatx.us or by calling the city clerk at 325-657-4405.

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Sounds like this candidate wants to pick up where one previous constable left off.... Maybe he can buy his old black and white DPS car that he had too............

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