The San Angelo police said that a volunteer for Meals for the Elderly was attacked by three dogs while delivering meals just before noon today.
The volunteer, an 82- year-old San Angelo man, remains hospitalized this afternoon after the attack.
Police said that he was delivering meals to a home in the 100 block of W. 32nd Street just before 11:00 a.m. when he was reportedly attacked by a client’s three dogs.
The victim reportedly sustained multiple bite wounds to his limbs, torso, head, and face before the dogs’ owner could gain control and secure the dogs in a nearby yard. San Angelo Fire Department Medics responded to the scene and provided first aid to the man before transporting him to Shannon Medical Center for treatment. He is reportedly in stable condition.
Above: San Angelo EMS crews stabilize the victim of the dog attack on April 24, 2015. (Contributed/Rose Samaniego)
Animal Services Officers who responded to the scene utilized tranquilizer darts in an attempt to sedate the dogs before taking them into custody. Shortly after being tranquilized, one of the dogs charged a San Angelo Police Officer who was assisting Animal Services. The Officer shot the dog with his Taser, preventing further attack or escape through an open fence.
The dogs’ owner surrendered custody to Animal Services and they were removed from the property. The dogs will be quarantined at the Animal Shelter for ten days.
Update 7 p.m.
Becca Edens, Marketing and Events Coordinator for Meals for the Elderly, said that the volunteer was loved by all at the organization. "He was the one who would take a route to deliver meals when the assigned volunteer was not available," she said. Edens said that the dogs were not owned by MFTE's client; they were owned by a neighbor and happened to be on the client's property when the volunteer arrived to deliver today's lunch. "We have a strict policy about restraining your pets to protect our volunteers," she said.
Update 7:35 p.m.
Meals for the Elderly identified the victim as Glen Shultz. Edens said that he is recovering at the hospital and appreciates the community's prayers and support.
Update 7:52 p.m.
A clarification: The MFTE client had sublet one of the rooms in her house and the dogs were the property of the tenant. This squares with the police report. Edens said that MFTE was not aware that the client had sublet a room, or that the new tenant had dogs.
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Both the person to whom the meal was being delivered and the pit bull owner (yes, we all know the dogs were pit bulls) should be charged with involuntary manslaughter and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. This man is 82-years-old, which means he will never fully recover from the injuries sustained in this mauling. People need to contact their elected state officials and demand the law prohibiting breed-specific legislation be overturned and that all pit bull-type dogs, Rottweilers, etc. be banned.
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Permalinki dont think that there should be a ban on certain breeds of canines. they act based on how they are treated by their owners. bad owners lead to these horrible incidences. i do agree that the canine owners should be held responsible for this elderly mans injuries and should be charged with involuntary manslaughter. i also agree that the person receiving the meal should be held responsible for the negligence that led to this incident. but putting a ban on specific breeds is not going to solve these types of issues. i personally had 2 pitbulls and they would try their best to protect me from my abusive ex. when he would beat the hell out of me.....they would attack and defend me and our daughter. they defended us to the point where he got rid of them because they were always in the way of his abusive attacks on me. its not the breeds fault. its the owners fault. you can turn any breed of dog into a mean animal. the smaller animals dont pose as much of a dangerous threat but can still become mean little things when the owners make them that way. its when the owners of the larger canines use these animals large size for the wrong reasons. my daughters first animal was a pitbull chihuahua mix that would sleep at the foot of her toddler bed and follow her every where. ive had neighbors that have had chihuahuas that would run up to you and start biting on your ankles for no reason. yes i do agree that the MFTE recipient and the animals owners should be charged for this mauling. but banning certain breeds is not going to solve this issue. if there was a way to ban certain people from owning a canine.....there wouldnt be near as many incidences like this.
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PermalinkHe's not dead.
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PermalinkI hope the home owner had good insurance for Mr. Shultz to be well taken care of.
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PermalinkFor not using lethal force against the dogs even though they had every right to. Far too often, we hear of the police shooting animals just because of the way they look.
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PermalinkLooked like a pit bull involved. Does anybody know what they were?
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PermalinkMatt L ... Were you taught to be such an idiot or did you accomplish that all on your own ? If you had watched the KLST news, *(they have this thing called video), you with your very own eyes could have seen that 2 of them were pit bulls, a brown one and a black/white one. San Angelo needs to lead the nation in being the first city to outlaw ownership of pit bulls. Possession of one should be a felony offense and the breed should be made extinct in the US.
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PermalinkDoctor DIng-bat... Were you taught to be such an idiot or did you accomplish that all on your own? If you had bothered to look up pitbull ownership laws you would quickly find that other cities do have laws preventing ownership of pitbulls and/or banning pitbull kennels. The problem is, though, once you outlaw pitbulls only criminals will have pitbulls, and the law abiding pitbull owners will be left at the mercy of the criminals.
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PermalinkHEALTH AND SAFETY CODE TITLE 10. HEALTH AND SAFETY OF ANIMALS CHAPTER 822. REGULATION OF ANIMALS SUBCHAPTER A. GENERAL PROVISIONS; DOGS THAT ATTACK PERSONS OR ARE A DANGER TO PERSONS State laws come into play when it comes to dangerous dogs regardless of the breed. If an owner or neighbors know the dogs are dangerous, the dogs should be registered with animal control and liability insurance purchased and the dogs properly restrained. Doubt that any of this was accomplished. The dog lovers and dog owners of the world always seem to come to the defense of the dog. Famous last words: "My dog doesn't bite". "My breed isn't dangerous, its the owners that make them that way". Any dog can be dangerous at any given time. They are animals. Failure to control a dangerous dog shouldn't be a misdemeanor. It should be a felony when the dog attacks just as though the dog owner did the attacking.
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