Bad Crash on Bryant Tore Up a New Tundra and a Chevy Traverse


A brand new 2014 or 2015 orange Toyota Tundra equipped with the TRD "Pro" package was badly damaged in a crash on S. Bryant Blvd. Also involved, and similarly damaged, was a white Chevrolet Traverse.

According to police, the white Chevy Traverse was northbound on Bryant and turning left onto Knickerbocker. The orange Tundra was southbound, continuing straight ahead through the intersection.

When the Tundra entered the intersection, it was struck by the Traverse on the side, tearing up the chassis, according to the pictures.

San Angelo Police Officer Brian Bylsma investigated. He said that each driver had a different story. The Traverse driver claims a green light and right-of-way, as does the Tundra driver. Bylsma said he will not write a ticket because of the conflicting testimony.

The Traverse driver was treated for minor injuries at the scene and released. There were no other injuries. The crash happened just after 2 p.m.

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"He said that each driver had a different story. The Traverse driver claims a green light and right-of-way, and does the Tundra driver. Bylsma said he will not write a ticket because of the conflicting testimony."

Good thing both drivers weren't driving the normal 8-10 year old cars or they would both have received citations :)

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