Morning Wreck on U.S. 67 Blocks All Northbound Traffic Leaving San Angelo


A two-vehicle accident on U.S. 67 North blocked all northbound traffic headed to Ballinger and Abilene. A mid-2000s white Dodge Caravan appeared to have collided with a Peterbilt semi hauling sand. Diesel or some other type of liquid poured onto the road. The spillage was minimal and not declared hazardous.

Northbound traffic was backed up for over an hour as San Angelo Fire Department and Police cleared the scene. By 9:30 a.m. the scene was cleared and the Peterbilt drove away under its own power. The Caravan appears to be heavily damaged.

Here is the Peterbilt driving off the scene of the accident on its own power:


The liquid spill was minimal and contained early on. Nothing hazardous was spilled. There were no reported injuries. Police are still investigating the cause.

UPDATE: The following sentence was changed. "A mid-2000s white Dodge Caravan appeared to have collided with a Peterbilt semi hauling sand. Diesel or some other type of liquid poured onto the road. The spillage was minimal and not declared hazardous."

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