Jeep Crashes Through Front Doors of a 7-11


A 2011 Jeep Cherokee Laredo ran through the front doors of the 7-11 convenience store at 4311 Southwest Blvd., across the street from the McDonald’s, at 3: 30 p.m. Friday afternoon.

According to police at the scene, the cause was a simple mistake. The driver confused the accelerator with the brake pedal. Police said that no citations were written. The crash happened on private property.

Damage to the double glass doors of the main entrance to the 7-11 was extensive; there were no doors left after the crash. Shattered glass was on the floor and ground inside and outside the doors.

The 7-11 will be closed, police said, until repairs are made.

The driver was not injured and no one at the scene was injured. The driver of the Jeep was able to back the Jeep out of the doorway.

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"According to police at the scene, the cause was a simple mistake. The driver confused the accelerator with the brake pedal." Please! Do not get behind my car at a stop light or stop sign, who ever you are.
Time for u to grow up, get back on your meds, and try to make adult comments instead of your contant numb nut remarks.
1. Who appointed you to anything? 2. What has produced this obsessive mean streak in you? 3. Why should I consider any of your advice?
These scholars here lately that haven't got the sense to know the difference between the accelerator and the brake pedals need to have their driving privileges suspended for a lifetime and either memorize the local cab companies phone numbers (which may be as difficult for them as driving is) or stand on the street corner and catch the next bus......

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