Eight New Businesses Planned to Open in San Angelo


“Coming Soon” signs have begun to appear all over San Angelo, promising new restaurants, a liquor store, a nail salon and fast-food eateries to the city’s growing population.

City reports indicate a number of commercial projects have already been issued permits, while others are still pending approval. Construction at the various sites dotted along some of the city’s main arteries is in various stages of completion, where others have yet to begin work on their facilities.

Cultural expansion in the food sector seems to top the list as far as projects go, however the list also contains a few dessert shops and a funeral home. Most of the sites have already hung signs to make their presence known, however few have listed contact numbers, opening dates or hiring information yet.

Mekong Restaurant

[[{"fid":"8507","view_mode":"default","fields":{"format":"default","field_file_image_alt_text[und][0][value]":"The Asian Market will soon move to Vanderventer, with a new Thai/Laos restaurant opening in its place. (LIVE! Photo/Chelsea Reinhard)","field_file_image_title_text[und][0][value]":"The Asian Market will soon move to Vanderventer, with a new Thai/Laos restaurant opening in its place. (LIVE! Photo/Chelsea Reinhard)"},"type":"media","attributes":{"alt":"The Asian Market will soon move to Vanderventer, with a new Thai/Laos restaurant opening in its place. (LIVE! Photo/Chelsea Reinhard)","title":"The Asian Market will soon move to Vanderventer, with a new Thai/Laos restaurant opening in its place. (LIVE! Photo/Chelsea Reinhard)","class":"media-element file-default imgbody"}}]]

Patrick and Brenda Bounthavong have purchased the building at 405 W. Ave N, currently home of the Asian Market, and are hoping to open Mekong Restaurant in January 2015.

Painting on the exterior has already begun, and the Bounthavong’s say the new restaurant will offer Thai and Laos cuisine, and will feature some traditional recipes imported from Patrick Bounthavong’s family from Laos.

The Asian Market is currently preparing for a move to a new location at 4216 Vanderventer, next to the planned Noni’z Pizzeria.

Noni’z Pizzeria

[[{"fid":"8508","view_mode":"default","fields":{"format":"default","field_file_image_alt_text[und][0][value]":"The sign at Noni'z Pizzeria says summer 2014, but the store hasn't opened yet. (LIVE! Photo/Chelsea Reinhard)","field_file_image_title_text[und][0][value]":"The sign at Noni'z Pizzeria says summer 2014, but the store hasn't opened yet. (LIVE! Photo/Chelsea Reinhard)"},"type":"media","attributes":{"alt":"The sign at Noni'z Pizzeria says summer 2014, but the store hasn't opened yet. (LIVE! Photo/Chelsea Reinhard)","title":"The sign at Noni'z Pizzeria says summer 2014, but the store hasn't opened yet. (LIVE! Photo/Chelsea Reinhard)","class":"media-element file-default imgbody"}}]]

A colorful sign has already been erected between the new La Chilanga restaurant and the future home of the Asian Market, where Noni’z Pizzeria is planned. Not much info is currently available about the new eatery, but the space is small and located directly across from ASU.

What Da Pho Restaurant & Nail World Spa

[[{"fid":"8509","view_mode":"default","fields":{"format":"default","field_file_image_alt_text[und][0][value]":"What Da Pho and Nail World Spa are coming soon near HEB. (LIVE! Photo/Chelsea Reinhard)","field_file_image_title_text[und][0][value]":"What Da Pho and Nail World Spa are coming soon near HEB. (LIVE! Photo/Chelsea Reinhard)"},"type":"media","attributes":{"alt":"What Da Pho and Nail World Spa are coming soon near HEB. (LIVE! Photo/Chelsea Reinhard)","title":"What Da Pho and Nail World Spa are coming soon near HEB. (LIVE! Photo/Chelsea Reinhard)","class":"media-element file-default imgbody"}}]]

Located in parking lot shared by HEB and its neighbors, What Da Pho restaurant and the Nail World Spa both bear “coming soon” signs on their storefronts. The two future businesses are owned by local entrepreneurs, who also own a local nail salon.

Iggy’s Italian Ice

[[{"fid":"8515","view_mode":"default","fields":{"format":"default","field_file_image_alt_text[und][0][value]":"Iggy's Italian Ice is expanding to a second location near HEB. (Photo/Facebook)","field_file_image_title_text[und][0][value]":"Iggy's Italian Ice is expanding to a second location near HEB. (Photo/Facebook)"},"type":"media","attributes":{"alt":"Iggy's Italian Ice is expanding to a second location near HEB. (Photo/Facebook)","title":"Iggy's Italian Ice is expanding to a second location near HEB. (Photo/Facebook)","class":"media-element file-default imgbody"}}]]

Right next to the Nail Spa, a second Iggy’s Italian Ice is planned to be opening at 3315 Sherwood Way. The first location opened on May 25, 2013 at 37 W. Concho, and now the ice cream shop is planning for expansion.

WB Liquors


Right next to the Nail Spa, a second Iggy’s Italian Ice is planned to be opening at 3315 Sherwood Way. The first location opened on May 25, 2013 at 37 W. Concho, and now the ice cream shop is planning for expansion.

Which Wich Sandwich Shop

[[{"fid":"8512","view_mode":"default","fields":{"format":"default","field_file_image_alt_text[und][0][value]":"The now-empty Quizno's location is planned to be a Wich Which Sandwich Shop. (LIVE! Photo/Chelsea Reinhard)","field_file_image_title_text[und][0][value]":"The now-empty Quizno's location is planned to be a Wich Which Sandwich Shop. (LIVE! Photo/Chelsea Reinhard)"},"type":"media","attributes":{"alt":"The now-empty Quizno's location is planned to be a Wich Which Sandwich Shop. (LIVE! Photo/Chelsea Reinhard)","title":"The now-empty Quizno's location is planned to be a Wich Which Sandwich Shop. (LIVE! Photo/Chelsea Reinhard)","class":"media-element file-default imgbody"}}]]

“This location is no longer in business,” reads a sign posted to the door of the former Quizno’s location at 59 N. Koenigheim. And where one sub shop met its end, another is cropping up.

Boasting to provide “superior sandwiches” in cities with Which Wich chains, the first location opened in Dallas in 2003 and has currently reached over 300 locations.

Frozen Bliss


A new frozen yogurt shop is planned at 4397 Sunset Drive #200, between Shogun and Steak Express. A sign has already been affixed to the exterior and a peek in the windows shows progress inside, however no information on opening dates has yet been posted.

Harper Funeral Homefalse

Harper Funeral Home is listed among the pending projects in the city permits report. Other than "Sherwood Way", no information has yet been released about a possible new funeral home in town.  The Harper family operated Johnson's Funeral Home for decades. The family business was sold to Houston-based Service Corporation International a couple years ago and neither Harper brother works at Johnson's today.


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jdgt, Wed, 10/15/2014 - 08:48
Great... more contributions to the obesity problem in America :) Hope some of these restaurants offer drive-thrus... Otherwise - WHY.... WHY?! WHY would you open ANOTHER pizzeria, ANOTHER funeral home (we have 2!), ANOTHER frozen yogurt joint.... This town needs ENTERTAINMENT, people!! Why can't we get big name artists into our coliseum for concerts? Why can't we build an indoor pool/water park type attraction for CHILDREN! Why can't we have something for young adults besides another night club?
I'm so sick of the comments after reading one of these "new business coming" articles. "Why can't we get a _____?" "Why do we need another _____?" You do understand that there's no committee or council that decides what businesses come to San Angelo right? These are entrepreneurs investing their own money in business they think can be successful...not in businesses they think will please the complainers of San Angelo Live. If you think a water park would be successful in San Angelo, then you and all the other bright complainers around here can put all your life savings together and make it happen. Put your money where your mouth is!
Oil is business and business is good - just don't expect to see the high end places thriving over the long term. Personally, I'm dying to see how the funeral home does...
Need to watch our pets. From ST: ''Ordinance regulating feral cat colonies tabled until next month''. (No Pun intended)
Snake field, Amen. If only internet geniuses ruled the world what a wonderful place it would be, of course with someonelse's money.:(
I foresee every one of them being out of business in less than a year with the exception of maybe the liquor store and funeral home.
87N next to Sonic is going to be the new McAllisters and Cavendar's Boots is going in near Olive Garden
matt56, Wed, 10/15/2014 - 15:08
I thought that was where one of the Wal-Mart Neighborhood Markets was going but not sure.
That is going to be a dentist office. Pretty sure it's an existing dentist relocating.

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