New All-You-Can-Eat Korean BBQ Restaurant Opening in San Angelo


SAN ANGELO, TX — A new Korean barbecue restaurant, Oriental Flame Korean BBQ & More, is set to open in San Angelo.

A banner announcing “ALL YOU CAN EAT BBQ COMING SOON!” now hangs outside 4217 College Hills Blvd., the former location of GoGo GoGi Korean BBQ.

Details about the restaurant, including its opening date and menu, have not yet been announced. 

San Angelo LIVE! will provide updates as more information becomes available.

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Stacy Abrams is on the no fly list since the Air Forced ceased allowing her to use its C5-A's but all you can eat might force her to revert to travel by cattle truck. I don't know how long they will stay in business, she's closed many a Golden Corral.



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