Is There Horse Abuse in the Concho Valley?

San Angelo, TX— Two local women has exhausted all options over the last few years concerning abused horses in San Angelo.

Melissa and Sierra are two local animal lovers and over the past three years have exhausted all their options when it comes to animal abuse. Both have gone to animal control, the Tom Green County Sheriff's Office, and even the county commissioner before coming into the San Angelo LIVE! studio to be a voice for these horses.

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You really think that it is appropriate to put a cartoon horse for an article about abuse?!  Did you find a new meme website?!  Feel like children run this website!


Is the abuse "intimate" in nature? Does it involve squid and their tentacles? Did the horses testify, or were they intimidated into silence?

In all seriousness, horse abuse is wrong. There's a lot going on behind those eyes, and horses deserve respect and good treatment. 

live, Wed, 10/09/2024 - 22:22

The San Angelo LIVE! animation guy spent hours on that starving horse and there you are... Dissing him. No wonder we cannot keep good talent in San Angelo, you old codger!


Did anybody bother to ask if these horses were smoking drugs?

Well now, let me tell you somethin’, if you’re fixin’ to light up one of them devil's weeds or worse, you’re headin' for a world of trouble faster than a jackrabbit on a hot skillet. "Smoking drugs" ain't just a bad habit; it’s a one-way ticket to ruin, plain as day. Back in the good ol' days, folks had their troubles sure enough, but most had the sense to leave that foolishness alone. Nowadays, you see too many folks takin’ up with them funny cigarettes and worse—stuff that’ll knock you lower than a snake’s belly in a wagon rut.

The danger’s plain to see if you got any sense about you. You start puffin’ on them wacky tobaccos or God forbid, messin' with that opium or heroin, and soon enough you’re caught in a bind tighter than a hog in a poke. It don’t take long neither. You think you’re just having a bit of fun, relaxing after a long day’s work or trying to forget your troubles, but before you know it, them troubles done doubled, and you're left standing with empty pockets and a broken heart. Once them drugs get their hooks in you, it’s like being dragged behind a runaway horse. Ain't no way to stop ‘til you hit the bottom.

And it ain’t just you that pays the price. Nah, sir, this stuff tears up families quicker than a bad storm. Next thing you know, folks can’t hold down a job, can’t keep food on the table, and the law’s knockin’ at your door more often than the preacher. Your momma's cryin’, your kids are goin' hungry, and you’re sittin' there too strung out to care. Them drugs got you by the throat, and they don’t let go easy.

A fella might think he’s got it all under control, but that’s just the devil whisperin’ sweet nothings in his ear. You can’t control them drugs no more than you can hold back the tide. First, it’s just a little here and there, then next thing you know, you’re up to your ears in it, and you’re drowning. People will tell you it ain't no big deal, just a little fun, but believe you me, them same folks will be long gone when you’re laid up sick or six feet under, ‘cause that’s where this road leads.

So, I’m tellin' you, as sure as I’m sittin' here, stay clear of that mess. Ain’t nothin’ good comes from smoking drugs. You want to ruin your life, break your mama’s heart, and end up dead or worse? Then go right ahead. But if you got a lick of sense, you'll leave them drugs be and stick to something that'll get you through hard times in one piece.

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