Pfluger, Levin Introduce Bipartisan Nuclear Waste Administration Act


WASHINGTON, D.C. – Congressman August Pfluger (TX-11) and Congressman Mike Levin (CA-49) introduced the bipartisan Nuclear Waste Administration Act of 2024, which would modernize our country’s nuclear waste management program by establishing an independent Nuclear Waste Administration to manage the country’s nuclear waste.

In line with recommendations from the Blue Ribbon Commission on America’s Nuclear Energy Future, this bill would establish a new, single-purpose organization to manage the back end of the nuclear fuel cycle, provide for a consent-based siting process for nuclear waste facilities, and ensure adequate and reliable funding for managing nuclear waste. 

“Nuclear energy plays an important role in our energy mix, especially as a significant increase in energy demand is projected over the next decade," said Rep. Pfluger. "However, one of the most significant challenges to broad deployment is the impasse regarding a permanent repository. West Texas has experienced the consequences of this impasse as evidenced by the Andrews County interim storage site. I am proud to introduce the ‘Nuclear Waste Administration Act of 2024’ with Rep. Levin to move our country closer to developing a permanent repository and robust fuel management plan. We cannot meet our nuclear goals without this piece of the puzzle."

“The federal government has a responsibility to safely manage our nation’s nuclear waste, but we’ve been caught in an impasse for decades,” said Rep. Levin. “This legislation represents a comprehensive pathway to modernize our nuclear waste program, based in consent. Our bipartisan bill would empower a new single-purpose, independent federal agency to consult and collaborate with communities to chart a path forward for safely storing and disposing of our nuclear waste. Years of inaction have left nuclear waste stored in communities all across the country – including ours – and with the federal government currently spending $2 million per day for the failure to fulfill its obligation to find a real solution. It’s clear that now is the time to act on bold solutions.”

Read the full bill here.

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