Vietnam Vet to Receive High School Diploma from Central High School Tonight


SAN ANGELO, TX— A Vietnam Veteran who withdrew from Central High School to fight for the United States is receiving his high school diploma at the San Angelo Central vs. Belton game tonight at San Angelo Stadium.

Information released says:

Manuel Gonzales attended San Angelo Central High School from 1956-1959. In 1959, he withdrew from high school to enlist in the United States Army and serve the United States in the Vietnam Era War, never earning his high school diploma. Texas Education Code 28.0251 allows for school districts to issue high school diplomas to certain veterans.

San Angelo ISD recognizes what a tremendous sacrifice Mr. Gonzales made to forgo the opportunity to earn a high school diploma in exchange for serving the United States during the Vietnam War.

For his selfless act of service, San Angelo ISD will honor Mr. Gonzales and his family before the Central High School football game against Belton, on Friday, September 20. On behalf of the SAISD Board of Trustees and the District, SAISD Superintendent Dr. Christopher Moran will present Mr. Gonzales with a Central High School diploma and letterman jacket. Representative Drew Darby and Karin Kuykendall with Congressman August Pfluger’s office will also honor Mr. Gonzales during the recognition.

The district extends our sincere gratitude to Mr. Gonzales and his family and honors him for the strength, courage, dedication and sacrifices involved in serving our Nation and protecting our freedom.

The ceremony will take place before the football game and will last no longer than five minutes.

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