Sheriff Hanna Requests Over $600,000 in Salary Increases


SAN ANGELO, TX - Tom Green County Sheriff Nick Hanna made a plea for salary increases in his department Tuesday, July 2, 2024, during his annual budget proposal in County Commissioners Court.

Hanna said Tom Green County continues to lag behind most other counties in the area and across the state in salary levels for sheriff's office deputies and detention center employees.

Tom Green County's starting salary of $50,000 for sheriff's deputies ranked above only Concho and Schleicher counties in our area, according to a chart displayed during Hanna's presentation.

Counties such as Glasscock, Martin, Howard, Ector, Upton, Coke, Mason, Taylor, Irion and Sterling all offered more money than Tom Green.

"These are the counties that call us when they need help. That needs to be addressed, in my opinion," Hanna said. "Besides the San Angelo Police Department, there's not one agency on this list that can do what we do, so why are we down there?"

SAPD ranked fifth on the 14-department list that Hanna provided with a starting salary of $58,500.

Hanna said it's critical to remain competitive with salary levels to prevent losing employees to other agencies.

"If we want major league players over there, we can't pay them a Double A salary," Hanna said. "Culture, training, a feeling of family, that's all there. But without being properly compensated, it's not tenable.

"Now the court's done a good job. We've had two very significant raises the last two years, but we've got to keep that needle moving."

Hanna proposed a salary increase of at least 3% to bump the deputies' salaries up to $51,500, along with an increase in stipends.

In addition to deputies, the Sheriff's Office also oversees the Tom Green County Detention Center, courthouse security, dispatch, criminal investigations, forensic services, crisis intervention unit and transport division among others.

The detention center alone had a budget of nearly $12.8 million this fiscal year, with a proposed budget of over $13.1 million next year.

"One of the biggest responsibilities we have is that facility out there on (US Highway) 67. It's just not always in the public eye," Hanna said.

Turnover at the jail has been particularly costly, Hanna said. Nearly $780,000 has been spent on training new jail employees since January 2020, but many of them don't last. In the last 12 months, the jail has hired 22 new officers while losing 36.

"It puts too much stress on people out there, because the state tells us we have to have X number of jailers out there, so we've got to call people in," Hanna said. "In this day and age, if you get called in too many times on your day off, they'll say, 'You know what, I can work at Home Depot for the same money without the headaches and guys spitting on me and attacking me.'"

Similar to deputies' salaries, Tom Green County also trailed in pay for counties with comparable jail sizes. With a starting salary of $43,200, Tom Green County ranked above only Henderson County on the chart Hanna provided.

Hanna said he understands that all county departments have financial needs, but he said the unique dangers faced in his department are different.

"If you give one person more money, one person may get less, and that's reality," Hanna said. "My argument is it's justified. If a person wants more money, they can go through training, get sworn in as a deputy and get shot at. That's my opinion."

The Sheriff's Office had a total salary of $4,191,354.70 for the 2023-24 fiscal year. Hanna's proposal requested $4,396,254.97 for next year, an increase of $204,900.27 in salary and stipends.

The jail had a total salary of $6,403,783.10 for the 2023-24 fiscal year. Hanna's proposal requested $6,812,843 for next year, an increase of $409,059.90 in salary and stipends.

Other budget proposal highlights:

- With two new deputies set to be sworn in, the Tom Green County Sheriff's Office will be fully staffed for the first time since 2008.

- Hanna proposed a new position of a school resource deputy that would spend at least one day each week on county campuses in Grape Creek, Water Valley, Veribest, Christoval and Wall. 

Hanna said all of the school districts were receptive to having a deputy visit their campus, but not all of them were willing to help fund the endeavor.

- A Shannon Medical Center supervisor spoke on behalf of the hospital's partnership with the Tom Green County Detention Center. 

Shannon's staff and facilities at the jail helped prevent numerous transports to the hospital, he said.

The supervisor said Shannon expects to add IV therapy inside the jail in the coming year, improve wound care treatment and better address prenatal care for pregnant inmates. He said Shannon's prescription program will also drop costs in that area for the county.

The jail had a budget of more than $1.9 million for medical expenses this fiscal year, a number that was proposed to increase to just over $2 million for next year.

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Raises are all fine and dandy. Just figure out how give raises without raising my taxes. Read my lips.

NO  NEW TAXES period 

With pay raises comes an increase in job performance, so unless you (Sheriff Hanna) can ensure your deputies will do a better job at actually catching and imprisoning career criminals and not harassing law abiding citizens, then you should stay right where you are pay wise. The people have been taxed enough and you aren't protecting us anymore.

Are we blaming Hanna for the sins of Karen? An ex's friend from Brady used to keep the sherrif on speed dial and call at every available opportunity. She was tempted to call when she witnessed fashion crimes, like wearing snakeskin boots in public...

One bitterly cold winter night we stopped at Walgreens to pick something up, and some elderly homelss wretch could be heard at a distance bemoaning his pain, in a characteristic Texan drawl, at undergoing the San Angelo Experience™. "F*** San Angelo Texas! You motherf***ing c***suckers! Go to h[eck]! Hail Satan!"

Before the soundwaves could even reach her ears, Karen's fivehead had already detected his presence several blocks away. With a porpoise, she picked up her mobile and gave a speedy and preternaturally detailed yet pithy description of this incursion into her biome. An SUV from the sherrif's department passed by us before she finished the short call.

The poor bum's voice was coming from the direction of the sheriff's office downtown, and he likely would have been left to air his grievances into cold ether had it not been for the speedy intervention of this Charlie's Angel of Hypervigilance.

We talking about tom green county here not brady so yeah i'm blaming hanna. But overall law enforcement is just a front for their business. They indeed make money off of them and a lot of it. As far as "rehab" goes Mike Tyson answered that question in an interview specifically describing how there is no "rehabilitation in corrections but dehabilitation instead". They learn more about breaking the law and not getting caught than they do correcting their crimes. Jail is a front for their money laundering service. If they want raises they can take it from the criminals, I have had enough of their fucking taxes.

Oh, it was the Tom Green county sheriff on speed dial. I imagine they get calls about cats stuck in trees as often as the police. Or when an escaped kid goat is roaming the countryside, butting people in the shins.

Now, between legal muscle and illegal muscle, the difference between those powers is one of legitimacy and thus, of perception. The same is true of the difference between taxes and "dues," freedom fighting and treason, or for that matter, fighting for one's rights and "insurgency."

If you look at the Tom Green County jail roster they deserve raises just for having to deal with that element! 

They don't deal with it, they arrest release and collect funds off of them. They let a murderer go on a 4500 dollar bond just last week and let child predators walk free. Open your eyes it's a business they aren't corrections officers anymore.

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