PETA & Protesters Collide at Sheep Unveiling


SAN ANGELO, TX— A PETA sheep was unveiled at the City Hall Annex on Tuesday and representative from PETA, and protesters, were present.

PETA and protesters alike were at the City Hall Annex on Tuesday, June 2, 2024, for the reveal of a PETA sheep statue like the other sheep around San Angelo. 

Jakob Shaw, a special project manager at PETA, spoke to reporters at the unveiling after presenting the sheep that was adorned with sayings like "I'm not your socks.", "I'm someone, not a sweater.", and "I feel pain too."

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Shaw was interviewed after presenting the PETA Sheep.

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An individual who was protesting the PETA sheep, Chrissie Creech-Favre, spoke with San Angelo LIVE! as well. 

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The sheep are behind this flagrant challenge to human dominance and supremacy. Humanism will prevail. We will not submit to livestock.

I too truly believe you should leave sheep in piece, Quarters, halves or however you prefer them.

Glad to see that Chrissie girl out there explaining common sense even though these brain dead liberal moaners dont get it. 

These PETA clowns need to find something else to piss and moan about, try maybe like ocean animals being poisoned and polluted. oh thats right PETA wont get their so called 15 minutes of fame on that one.   

What is "fame" compared to bullying the "hicks" in that vast expanse of territory between New York and Los Angeles that the urban elite labels "flyover country?"

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