Survey Says Texas Women Have Among The Highest Dating Standards


SAN ANGELO, TX — A survey conducted by reveals that women in Texas have some of the highest dating standards in the United States, particularly regarding looks and financial status.

The survey indicates that 22% of Texas women would only date men with "huge" salaries and "model" looks.

The study surveyed 3,000 single women aged 18 to 35 across the country to identify where dating standards are highest and lowest. Nationwide, 17% of women reported they would not consider dating men earning less than six figures or deemed "below average in terms of attractiveness."

The survey also found that 86% of women would prefer to date a man who rents rather than owns a home. When it comes to car ownership, 59% of women said they would date a man who doesn’t own a car, while 64% stated they wouldn't date a man if he still lived with his parents.

Conversely, 80% of women are open to dating a man without a college degree, and 85% would consider someone in a "non-traditional job." Additionally, 85% of women indicated they wouldn’t mind if their partner had never traveled beyond their home state.

According to, Texas women rank the following attributes as the most attractive in a man:

  1. A great personality
  2. A substantial salary
  3. Good looks
  4. Living in an expensive property
  5. Having their own Wikipedia page
  6. Ownership of a private plane

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