SACRAMENTO, CA — A bill introduced in California would allow workers to ignore calls and messages from their managers after work hours.
The state bill, AB 2751, introduced by Assemblyman Matt Haney (D-San Francisco), would create a “right-to-disconnect” law that guarantees workers uninterrupted personal and family time, free from calls or messages after work hours.
This would allow people to disconnect without punishment, except in true emergencies. And for businesses that have late or weird work hours.
It also mandates employers to create and publish plans to implement the new law into their policies and empowers the California Labor Commissioner’s Office to investigate and fine employers who habitually violate it.
France, Australia, and other countries already have similar laws.
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Is this the best new stupid idea the dems can come up with? Maybe a four day work week? Defunding the police was a real winner. It doesn't matter that it helped crime skyrocket. How about those open borders, how's that working out for ya???
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PermalinkThis is just the California autonomous region falling in line with the policies of other farther left nations throughout the West. Frankly, this is nothing out of the ordinary, and if we're all going to live through the slow decline of US hegemony, we might as well do it with an extra day off.
There are more productive things to stress over given the public's ostrich syndrome over the implications of the deep seated corruption within our government. For example, imagine what we would all be going through in our personal lives if the governor just meekly complied with the dictates from DC...
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Permalink"Frankly, this is nothing out of the ordinary"
Rita, your statement is correct and that is what worries me.
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PermalinkCalm down there boomer don't get that heart rate up, we don't want you to stroke out on us,...or do we? 🤔😂🤪
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PermalinkI've never met you, thank goodness but I would bet money that I'm in better shape than you, idiot child.
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PermalinkIdk, stress causes illness, apparently everything stresses you out so much it causes you to have outbursts and angry fits on SAL, just want you to be well, anyway you need not worry about this new rule as I'm sure your well into retirement, maybe get offline and go back to the good old fashioned fist shaking at kids on your lawn 🤣
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PermalinkSays mommies moronic basement keyboard specialist(:(:(:
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PermalinkAt least he has a lawn. Your daddy Biden gave yours away to some illegals.
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PermalinkWell said!
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PermalinkCurrently, the Great White Father in Washington is busy giving away the country to who-knows-who like he's on the take from one or more foreign powers. These jibes at the resident opossum are not the burns you think they are.
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PermalinkI understand what you are saying. I know I shouldn't stoop to their level but when I'm personally insulted by a moron's constant adolescent retorts, it's hard to keep my Irish down.
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PermalinkWell idiot child, most everyday after work I spend at least half an hour on the treadmill and then lift weights. I'm guessing most of your time is spent on video games when your not on here acting the fool.
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