Here's Why the Land is Cleared on College Hills Blvd at Valleyview


SAN ANGELO, TX - Construction for a new stormwater detention pond in Southwest San Angelo is officially underway.

The agreement with the Duncan Group Southland LLC development group, finalized during the council's meeting on Tuesday, Dec. 5, has paved the way for constructing the detention pond.

The chosen site, sprawling across nearly 26 acres, is positioned northeast of the intersection of Valleyview Boulevard and College Hill Boulevard, in close proximity to the Southland area.

The objective of the detention pond is to effectively manage stormwater runoff from substantial drainage areas, with the overarching aim of optimizing property development for residential purposes.

Carl White, the Parks and Recreation Director, pointed to the potential availability of $1 million in grant funding and proposed a collaborative effort with the developer. The proposed park concept aligns seamlessly with the city's 2020 master plan, encompassing walking trails, playgrounds, practice fields, a splash pad, basketball courts, and pickleball courts.

White sought approval to initiate collaboration with the developer, with the city taking charge of site clearing, while the developer concentrates on the construction of the detention area.

Council Member Tommy Hiebert, representing District 1, supported the project during the meeting. He emphasized the long-term benefits of stormwater management, particularly on College Hill Boulevard, and highlighted the urgency to address stormwater drainage issues citywide.

“This is going to be beneficial for the city in the long term because of what this is going to help us with our stormwater,” he stated. “Yes, it’s going to help with an amenity at some point in the future, but stormwater is a problem on College Hill Boulevard. This is going to help as much as anything the city with its stormwater problem in that area. Because of the stormwater drainage issues we have all over town, we need to take advantage of the opportunity that’s presented to us right now.”

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GMann, Wed, 02/28/2024 - 11:17

That would be a great place to move the homeless tent city . It would be off the main roads coming into town, Plus they would have a place to exercise their pets.Still close enough to panhandle at Heb and the surrounding businesses  too.Just do not forget to build a big nice restroom for them .

A common misquote from the late 1900s movie, "Field of Dreams." A very Anglo-American movie regarding a game known as 野球 (béisbol).

Let us not forget the ancient influence of that strange race of giants, terrible, destructive and wondrous, who wandered the countryside with their giant blue oxen, planting apple seeds wherever they went, who strode the stars only to be cursed by heaven to live on as catboys or among the scavenger tribes of Methamphetamine...

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