SAN ANGELO, TX – San Angelo's Congressman August Pfluger has introduced a bill to help combat environmental groups from completely gutting the Permian Basin's drilling industry.
According to the bill, titled the "Limiting Incredulous Zealots Against Restricting Drilling," or LIZARD Act, will be used to combat the Endangered Species Act. The ESA was used to stop a portion of drilling area in the Midland area to protect the Sagebrush Lizard, which is an endangered species.
“On the campaign trail, President Biden promised to kill the fossil fuel industry, and that’s about the only promise we can count on him keeping. His latest tactic—listing the dunes sagebrush lizard as an endangered species so he can shut down drilling in the Permian—is just the latest in a string of assaults on the Permian Basin and our way of life," said Congressman Pfluger. "The President wants to control private property in Texas. Not on my watch. My legislation protects energy security and jobs in the Permian by nullifying his latest attack.”
As of December 31, 2022, through state and private conservation efforts in New Mexico alone, 1,905,120 acres have been enrolled in a Candidate Conservation Agreement (CCA) and Candidate Conservation Agreement with Assurances (CCAA) by the ranching community and 2,230,066 acres have been enrolled in the CCA and CCAA by the oil and gas industry to protect the dunes sagebrush lizard.
These enrollments have resulted in a net acreage conservation gain for the species’ habitat and the associated financial contributions have helped fund dozens of reclamation and conservation programs to support the species while still affording for the development of natural resources and human existence in the region.
Efforts to save the lizard are ongoing. Pfluger suggests we do not need regulatory agencies to kill oil production in order to save the endangered species.
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Pfluger sounds like the other Republicans in the Texas Lege. That is NOT a compliment.
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PermalinkDemocracy is the customer service style mechanism whereby the masses may choose which faction of Lizard People, (Red or Blue,) will impliment Lizard plans for a set term of years. The people, sir, have made their choice!!
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PermalinkThe hypocrisy of the Democrats that claim to want to protect wildlife when it suits them and ignore it when it doesn't astounds me. They worry about the lizard in this instance but have no problem with the wind mills put in migratory bird paths. Just as the sanctity of life is so important when it comes to the death penalty but is ignored when it comes to abortion!
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PermalinkThe real question is whether the lizard in question is related to this particular iguana.
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PermalinkWhy are republicans not angry that trump sold (or allowed the sale) of the US's largest refinery to the saudi's?
Or the deal with OPEC he made to INCREASE oil prices?
Why ignore facts?
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PermalinkTheir worship of their cultmaster proves they care little about facts and are willing to fully inhale any of the utter nonsense he pukes out without thinking or reservation. They are his "useful idiots".
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PermalinkWhat does (suspect) business as usual have to do with the the Lord's blessings upon the 4 year consecutive WWE cameo star of the Whitehouse? Between Blue Team Dems selling our data and undermining our moral fabric and Red Team "traditional" Reps selling out our military intelligence and security to foreign staffed "contractors," Bing-Bong is about the only guy who can keep us plebs from launching a full-scale revolt.
Quit snorting Hunter's White House white and look around!
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