Traditions and Trivia: Poinsettias


You usually find Poinsettias at Churches around Christmas being sold as fundraisers.

The normally plain, leafy plant usually has no distinct qualities about it, but come December the leaves turn a colorful red or shades of white, pink or yellow.

Poinsettias have been popular among residents of Mexico for a long time, from the Aztecs of old to the current residents.

According to “the plant is named for the first U.S. Ambassador to Mexico, Dr. Joel Roberts Poinsett, who introduced America to the poinsettia in 1828, after discovering it in the wilderness in southern Mexico.”

In other circles, a popular story is told in regards to how they became a Christian Christmas tradition. posted a retelling of the story, describing a pair of young siblings, Maria and Pablo, who loved Christmas. Every year at their church, gifts would be brought to the nativity scene manger by the town.

“The two children loved Christmas but were always saddened because they had no money to buy presents. They especially wished that they could give something to the church for the Baby Jesus,” states the site.

On the way to the service one night, they picked a few weeds and put them around the manger despite the other children making fun of them.

“Miraculously, the green top leaves turned into bright red petals, and soon the manger was surrounded by beautiful star-like flowers and so we see them today.”

To this day many fondly think of the story of two poor children giving all they could to honor Jesus.


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I wasn't suprised to learn that at the heart of the origin of poinsettia lies a cruel story of child bullying by other kids. Seems that universal theme of bullying has been going on a long time. Whether it's fictionalize here or in another Christmas tale where poor ole Rudolph wasn't let to play in any reindeer games, there always will be others that pick on others less fortunate. When I first heard this story, I was led to believe that it was the poor children's tears that caused the weeds to turn into the flower, adding to the drama.

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