Pfluger Roasts Fauci Over Covid-19 Origin Lies


WASHINGTON, D.C. — Congressman August Pfluger (TX-11) spoke on the House Floor in support of S. 619, a bill to require the Director of National Intelligence to declassify information relating to the origin of COVID-19. The legislation passed the House on Friday and now heads to President Biden’s desk.

“For nearly three years now, the truth about COVID-19 and its origins has been hidden from the American people.

“Big-government bureaucrats, like Anthony Fauci, abused their positions of power to disguise and distort the facts to further their tyrannical takeover of our country.

“Anyone who dared question the origins of COVID—or chose to make independent healthcare decisions for their own families—were silenced, censored, and ostracized as conspiracy theorists.

“Lo and behold…we stand here today with many of these so-called “conspiracy theories” turning out to be true.

“The most glaring example being that Fauci knew as early as March of 2020 that Coronavirus leaked from a lab in Wuhan, China. He spent the next three years lying about this possibility and even using American taxpayer dollars to pay for studies to discredit it.

“Republicans delivered a Commitment to America that we would deliver accountability for the lives lost, livelihoods destroyed, and years together that families were robbed of.

“We’re ready to declassify the information and get to the truth.”

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