City Councilman Thomas Draws Liberal Pro-Abortion Opponent


SAN ANGELO – The filing deadline for a place on the May 6, 2023 election for San Angelo City Council was 5 p.m. on Friday.  The three incumbent council representatives filed for reelection and SMD-3 councilman Harry Thomas drew a challenger.  

As we reported earlier, Michael LePak, a local Democrat activist, has filed to run for the SMD-3 seat on the council against Thomas.

The period to file an application for a place on the ballot for the May 6 general election ended Friday, Feb. 17, at 5 p.m.  

The deadline to file a declaration of write-in candidacy is Tuesday, Feb. 21, by 5 p.m.  

The drawing for order on the ballot is tentatively scheduled for Monday, Feb. 27, at 10 a.m.   

Candidates filed for May 2023 election

Single-member District 1:
Tommy Hiebert (filed 1/18/2023)

Single-member District 3:
Harry Thomas (filed 1/18/2023)

Michael LePak (filed 2/13/2023)

Single-member District 5:
Karen Hesse Smith (filed 1/30/2023)

In addition to the races for City Council, the ballot will also include the elected vs. appointed Police Chief issue. 

A City charter election will be held May 6, 2023, regarding certain sections of the chief of police portion of the City's charter. 

The Charter Review Committee presented its recommendations Dec. 13 to the City Council. The committee recommended the City keep the police chief as an elected position, but to make changes to the qualifications and authority while also realigning the election cycle. City staff will present proposed ballot language at a City Council meeting in late January or early February. View a pdf version of the presentation here.

Important dates

  • Monday, April 24, 2023 - First day of early voting by personal appearance.
  • Tuesday, May 2, 2023 - Last day of early voting by personal appearance.
  • Saturday, May 6, 2023 - Election day, 7 a.m. to 7 p.m.
  • Wednesday, May 17, 2023 - Anticipated canvassing of election results.

Local School Districts also have elections May 6, 2023 for School Board Trustees.  We will have more information on School Board elections later. 

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So is LePak pro-abortion or pro-choice?  The two viewpoints are totally different.  I am pro-choice but not pro-abortion, and I am intelligent enough to understand the difference.  I'm not sure Live!, based on this headline, qualifies.

Of course, I know the audience.

This headline and article demonstrate a flaw I occasionally notice here at SAL. The headline is sensationalistic, calling a political contender a liberal pro-abortion proponent, yet when you read the text of the article, there is absolutely no mention of his, LePak's, position or previous comments concerning the issue of abortion. If you're going to headline him as a liberal pro-abortionist, please include some relevant information that backs that statement.

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