Texas Sues Feds for Threatening to Imprison Pistol Owners


AUSTIN – Attorney General Paxton, along with a coalition of other plaintiffs, is suing the Biden Administration over a Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (“ATF”) rule targeting pistol owners who use stabilizing braces. Attorney General Paxton is partnering with Gun Owners of America in this lawsuit. 

For years, Americans have widely used stabilizing braces when exercising their Second Amendment rights for numerous purposes, with millions sold throughout the country. Braces can reduce recoil, assist people with disabilities, prevent injury, and overall help individuals operate weapons more safely and accurately.  

The Biden Administration is now targeting law-abiding Americans with burdensome registration requirements by defining a pistol with a stabilizing brace as a “short-barreled rifle.” This change in classification would require that individuals register their firearm ownership with the federal government or risk up to ten years in prison if they fail to comply with the regulation.  

This infringement on Second Amendment rights is fundamentally unconstitutional, as well as unlawful for many other reasons. The new rule is arbitrary and capricious, was adopted in violation of the Administrative Procedure Act, and the federal entity instituting the rule, ATF, lacks the statutory authority to define handguns with stabilizing braces as short-barreled rifles. 


“This is yet another attempt by the Biden Administration to create a workaround to the U.S. Constitution and expand gun registration in America,” said Attorney General Paxton. “There is absolutely no legal basis for ATF’s haphazard decision to try to change the long-standing classification for stabilizing braces, force registration on Americans, and then throw them in jail for ten years if they don’t quickly comply. This rule is dangerous and unconstitutional, and I’m hopeful that this lawsuit will ensure that it is never allowed to take effect.” 

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This is how you get things done for your constituents. You don't get things done when you allow known felon's who are on federal supervised release to possess weapons after an unlawful act occurs, especially a known felon who's a member of a domestic terrorist organization and had an ATF charge as his first charge ever and a gun is produced from the house of said kind of man. It was HIS HOUSE! Nobody else lived there but him. At a bare minimum, this warrants "constructive" possession of a firearm. Does it not? Well it doesn't in San Angelo unless WE change that.

I'm still waiting on S.A.P.D. to honor a records request for their policy and procedure, it's been 63 business days since November 3rd 2022 when I requested it and I only had a 30 day window to file a complaint with Internal Affairs.  Wonderful system you got for the people here... You know I've been collecting every one of the failures of this city's incompetence to help even when presented with a knowledgeable, disciplined and God fearing man who simply defended himself on his own property. After dictating all of the facts, the officer capitalized on our ignorance and the heightened stress of the events to cover up his incompetence. Just saying, all this occurred in full view of my camera system that had audio as well.  Just because you catch a felony happen on your property, on your security system, it doesn't mean you're "safe", in fact, the police seem to cast doubt on anyone who has camera's set up in the first place.  I did get the badge camera from the most significant of events that occurred over the last 2 years out there at Lake Nasworthy and I am unimpressed with the failure's I can detect.

I'm not going away, I'm going to keep talking. You can only crush a man so much before he finds it in his best interest to break the foot that's on his neck!

If C.O.S.A. through S.A.P.D. and all of it's resources, don't want to remove guns from felon's who are on federal supervised release and have prior A.T.F. charges barring them from not just gun ownership but from even being at someone else's house where THEY possess weapons. You know they don't have the gusto to remove guns from men who do have the God given right, so thanks Ken.

Not so sure Ken is fully devoted to the peoples interests after discovering he is paying off whistleblowers to stay silent and settle out of court. Look it up, he fired men who discovered some illegal activity and now is paying them in such a way as to not have to admit any guilt legally.

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