Police Provide Details of Tuesday Morning Murder


Police recovered a bloodied knife from the scene of the crime at 2729 Houston St. on Tuesday morning, a vital piece of evidence believed to be used in the commission of the murder of 5-year-old Naiya Villegas some time shortly around 2:30 a.m. on Tuesday morning.

Details of the murder investigation were revealed at a press conference held by Chief of Police Tim Vasquez at the San Angelo Police Department Tuesday afternoon, where Vasquez stated police have confirmed the child’s throat was cut prior to the arrival of emergency personnel Tuesday morning. 

Police Chief Tim Vasquez discusses the circumstances of the murder:

According to a complaint filed by investigator Carlton T. Kolbe, the suspect, 23-year-old Isidro Miguel Delacruz, entered the residence of his ex-girlfriend, Tanya Bermea through a back window shortly before committing the murder and refused to leave.

At the time of the break-in, only Bermea and her daughter, Villegas, were in the house, however shortly thereafter Bermea exited to call her mother, Jesusita Bermea and the two returned, but De La Cruz refused to let them back inside.

Bermea then drove to Delacruz’s mother’s house, located in the 3100 block of Lindell St., to seek assistance in removing Delacruz from the residence, and when she returned her daughter’s throat had been slit and Delacruz was covering the wound with paper towels, the complaint states.

“Tanya Bermea said that when she walked into the residence the defendant got up and punched her several times, then pushed her outside onto the sidewalk and started choking her,” Detective Kolbe wrote.

Responding officer Marcus Rodriguez reported that he had been dispatched to the scene for a civil disturbance, and upon arrival found Bermea in the front yard and observed Delacruz walking into the residence.

Once inside, Rodriguez observed Villegas lying on the living room floor and Delacruz holding paper towels to the victim’s throat.

Kolbe’s walk-through of the residence turned up a horrific scene, with blood on the walls, blinds, floor and Villegas’ bedroom, as well as in the kitchen mixed with water. Crime scene photos of Delacruz revealed a laceration on the back of lhis eft upper arm. 

The suspected murder weapon was found underneath a vehicle parked at the end of a walkway, where blood visibly marked the area.

Following their arrival on scene, police immediately took Delacruz into custody and transported him to the county jail, where he was booked for murder.

Tanya Bermea, Jesusita Bermea and Naiya Villegas were transported to the hospital. Villegas succumbed to her injuries within an hour of the initial call made to dispatch. Both Bermeas were treated for non life-threatening injuries.

Delacruz has been charged with capital murder, which carries a punishment of life without parole or the death penalty, if sought. He is currently being held in lieu of a $1 million bond. 

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This crime is indicative of the severe brutality that can occur in cases of domestic violence. That poor child deserved a better life than what resulted in a brief, painful and bloody ending.
Teirby, Tue, 09/02/2014 - 17:29
I am in total shock that the mother left her child not only once but twice with this creep. You left to call your mother and went to his mothers to get help and you don't call the police for help until it's to late for your child.
jdgt, Tue, 09/02/2014 - 17:37
Terri... it's easy for everyone reading this story and watching the press release to think rationally NOW... because we weren't involved in this life threatening situation. It's easy for the educated to pass judgement on the lower class because we know better... What I can't imagine is how this mother feels, today. She'll live forever with the images of her precious, bloodied baby in the hands of her killer. That is for NO ONE to judge... What this mother and her family needs now is a wealth of prayer and support... and a united front to see this animal put to death.
It easy for anybody to say anything as we weren't involved. Right now all this family needs is unconditional prayers and support. There is a long road ahead.
Anyone that could harm a child like that has forfeited their right to walk among us. Give this POS his due process and get a rope. Hang him downtown at the court house and make sure his neck doesn't break.
Im confused...where in the report does it say that the grandmother was injured? Why was she taken and released from the hospital? My heart and prayers do go out to the family in this ordeal but first thought should have been to take the child with her. If someone that isnt suppose to be in my house breaks in and my kids are there....best believe they are the FIRST ones out the door.
I don't know, yet, all of the details in this, but it is highly likely that this man refused to let her have her daughter, and she was forced to leave her there to get help.
Hollow point would've been cheaper, but I suppose an inmate can always make a SHANK for free. Sure would be unfortunate if this walking excrement got SHANKED in jail. Just a thought...
The first one out the door is the child or I don't go. Good situation for a gun in the house. You hear someone coming in the bathroom window they don't make it to the child's bedroom.
Domestic Violence always ends in murder unless the process is interupted permanently. This is because the violence escalates due to the Law of Diminishing Returns. The Tom Green County Sheriff's Office Crisis Intervention Unit (CIU) reponds to assist all crime and crisis victims in Tom Green County. We are available to assist 24 hours a day at (325) 658-3921. We have funds to allow victims to relocate, purchase groceries, and pay bills. Any Crime -- Any Time -- CIU Responds. Please call if you or someone you know needs assistance.
there is no way of knowing what happened to make the mother leave her child at the house. lindell st. is about 8 blocks or 3 minutes from houston st. she must have thought she could have solved the problem by having her mother come over. as for the grandmother being taken to the hospital. the report does not speak of her being injured, but she was probably in a state of shock after seeing the crime scene. i hope he gets the death penalty, he is truly deserving of it.
The death penalty for this human disgrace would be an easy way out for him in my opinion. I think the better punishment is life in prison without the possibility of parole. A place where he constantly has to be afraid for his own life each and every day until old age (if he makes it that far). The remembrance of what he did would haunt his mind I would imagine and eventually overcome any wits of sanity that may be present. I even suggest a solitary cell with him stripped of all clothing to prevent others or himself from ending his agony. He never leaves the confines of the cell and this is his pure earthly hell. There is nothing to be happy about or look forward to in these conditions. Given, my suggestions are probably would infringe upon his rights as a U.S. citizen but...oh well!
There is no reason why anyone should be passing judgment. Yes, there are should have, could have, would haves running in our mind but the real issue here is this poor baby girl was taken tragically from her mother & family. If the mom had any indication of any harm coming her daughter's way, I guarantee she would have stopped this by any means necessary. Please do not give ugly or rude comments or say, "I would have done this!" Think about how awful mom must feel... She needs all the prayers and strength because she will never get to kiss her daughter goodnight, ask her how her day was at school or watch her grown into a beautiful woman and continue with a future. Please let's just ask for justice for this angel now and give hope for the mom to carry on without her beautiful girl. Prayers and hugs to the entire family.
Leave a rope within arm's reach of his cell. Let this go away as soon as it can for Mom and family. This will drag on for months or years, and they will have to re-live it at every hearing and again at trial. So sad.
Chinds, Thu, 09/04/2014 - 14:58
This beautiful little girl was murdered in the most horrible way. Can anyone imagine how scared she must of been? The pain she went through? And they talk how this animal felt like she was his own blood? Holy crap....how can they even print anything from this beast, much less, how much he cared for her? No one wants to hear anything from him or about him. This precious little girl that now sits on Jesus knee is what counts. The story about him is when he is found guilty and God sends him to hell.
I can't imagine why anyone would interview this killer except someone investigating the case. He should have no voice. He needs to be punished and forgotten and all articles about the little girl. Why would any reporter want to interview him so soon. Reporter should be closed and Standard Times shut down. Bad bad bad taste. I can't believe the killer's mom says there are two sides to every story. The story is that she paid 1,000 and got her son out of Jail so he could kill this little girl. There is only one side here and he killed her in cold blood. Why on earth did the Judge let him out on bail? I just don't get it. What is it going to take to stop giving these idiots a second chance? This little girl is in a better place. I am just sorry that she was exposed to this kind of terror more than once. She saw her mom repeatedly abused by this animal. She had to live with this and then die with it. I am heart broken. Parents stop enabling your kids. Stop getting them out of Jail to do the same thing over and over. Let them learn a lesson and be punished. The Justice system failed this sweet soul big time. I can't believe someone would leave their child vs. going next door to call the police. Something is up with that.
jdgt, Thu, 09/04/2014 - 18:20
Apparently she's the owner of that HORRIBLE headline in the Substandard Times. Since when do we give cold-blooded killers a voice? I realize it's media, and it's open to all sides... but - pardon my French.... F@*&# THAT! SAL was no better when they gave Matt Salazar a voice. This may be the media - but this is ALSO West Texas... I believe our heritage and upbringing should override any media related antics. We ought to respect he dead... stop giving this scum an outlet.
cmp, Thu, 09/04/2014 - 20:53
Reporters don't write headlines, copy editors do. People need to stop focusing on the filth that is this monster and focus on that baby.

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