WATCH: Gov. Abbott Promises Rowdy San Angelo Crowd Billions in Property Tax Relief


SAN ANGELO  – Texas Gov. Greg Abbott is in the midst of his toughest reelection campaign ever and promised billions of dollars in property tax relief to a rowdy crowd at Fuentes Cafe in downtown San Angelo during a campaign stop Tuesday afternoon.  

The governor's carefully planned stop was attended by hundreds of San Angelo area residents who filled the downtown restaurant past capacity.  

Watch the video below of Gov. Abbott on property tax relief: 

Early voting continues across Texas through Nov. 4.  Election Day is Tuesday, Nov. 8, 2022. 

San Angelo LIVE! will have complete election results coverage election night.  We will provide more details as Election Day gets nearer. 

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So that texas can use more federal government money?

Remember that blue states pay more to the government than they take out, red states rely on government money, paid by blue states, to keep them afloat. Not to mention that more people in red states are on government checks.

Plus, Texas has historically been a low tax, low service state.  So, if total tax income goes down, so do services.

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