SAN ANGELO – A suspected gang member involved in a shooting incident that took place on June 12 in the 1000 block of East 20th St. has been arrested. 23-year-old Sammy Torres of San Angelo was arrested for the shooting following a complex investigation.
According to documentation from the San Angelo Police Department, an investigator was contacted by the San Angelo Police Department dispatch in reference to a shooting call in the 1000 block of East 20th St. where a victim had been shot and had a bullet lodged in her spine. The victim was transported to Shannon Medical Center for emergency medical treatment then the investigator responded to the 1000 block of East 20th.
Once on scene, the investigator observed the crime scene extended from the 800 block of East 20th Street to the intersection of 20th and Armstrong Street. The investigator spoke with a detective who advised that there were several cartridge cases that extended from the 1000 block to the 800 block of 20th Street. That detective said that he observed 9mm cartridge cases and .45 ACP cartridge cases within the incident scene.
Investigators located a subject who was present at the scene who said she was attended a graduation party. This individual said she recorded the incident. In the video, the investigator observed several subjects walking in the area and some of them appeared to be involved in an altercation. One subject had his shirt removed and was standing in a posture that made it look like he was engaging in some type of conflict.
The investigator then observed three vehicles pass through the video. One vehicle was a yellow car that appeared to be a sport type vehicle with a spoiler on the rear. The second vehicle viewed was a white hatchback type small sedan and the third vehicle was a black or dark colored midsized sedan.
Then the investigator heard one gunshot on the video from one of the vehicles followed by more gunshots as the vehicles pass through. Shortly after all three vehicles had passed from the view of the video, a barrage of multiple gunshots could be heard.
In the video, a female subject identified as the victim, could be observed walking towards and standing by a vehicle. As gunshots are heard, the victim is crouched down. A detective advised the investigator that numerous spent 9mm cartridge cases and .45 ACP cartridge cases were found in the area the victim was observed in the video.
From viewing the crime scene, the investigator observed a sport utility vehicle was missing from the scene. What appeared to be blood was observed by the investigator in the area where this vehicle had been parked and another area of suspect blood was observed on the curb indicating that there was a possibility of more victims.
Another detective spoke with a witness in reference to a discarded firearm. The witness had come out of his house and was going to his vehicle and observed a handgun had been dropped beneath his vehicle’s passenger side front tire. This firearm was a Glock 21 and was a .45 ACP caliber firearm.
This detective was also tasked with interviewing witnesses who advised the party was a graduation party.
Due to the dispersal of cartridge cases, the investigator thought several suspects were in possession of firearms. It was also noted that several suspects were probably in vehicles as the cartridge cases were scattered up and down three blocks of the street.
The investigator interviewed a witness who observed a white vehicle traveling in front of him westbound on 20th Street. This witness said the occupants of the white vehicle were inside the vehicle firing shots as it was being driven west on 20th Street.
Then, the investigator returned to the San Angelo Police Department and contacted a group of witnesses. One member of the group informed the investigator that she was at the party when her vehicle was shot. Her vehicle was being occupied by four individuals altogether and the investigator observed four bullet holes in the vehicle.
Another individual in the group said they left the party and while they were leaving, they began to yell “Southside” and exhibited hand signs representing the southside gang. This witness then said two other individuals began kicking the vehicle then she heard gunshots. She advised that one of the shooters went by the name “Sosa” and said he was wearing a red shirt and black beanie.
The investigator interviewed a third member of this group who said the two individuals who possessed firearms at the party were Sosa and Schmidt. This witness also advised that Sosa hung out with four other male individuals at the party. When the investigator showed the video provided from an earlier, this witness identified the two individuals who kicked the vehicle and showed an Instagram photograph of several subjects displaying gang hand signs and two individuals holding guns. The investigator then knew the clothing some of the subject wore in the video.
A San Angelo police officer viewed the Instagram photograph and was able to identify all eight individuals as confirmed criminal street gang members.
Then on June 19, 2022, a San Angelo Police Department Sergeant was contacted by the investigator in reference to a shooting that took place at the 8000 block of Sentinel Circle. The Sergeant informed the investigator that the individuals at the scene were involved with the shooting at the 1000 block of East 20th Street.
One of the individuals was contacted by the investigator and advised all the individuals in the Instagram photograph attended the party. He also advised the subject who did the shooting on the 1000 block of East 20th Street also did the shooting at the 8000 block of Sentinel Circle. He advised the subject went by the name “Sosa” and his first name was “Sammy”.
The investigator then contacted an officer who knew “Sosa” as Sammy Torres. Body cam footage from the Sentinel Circle shooting was observed and Torres was positively identified standing in the living room.
More individuals were interviewed from the party who advised the Torres was the one who shot towards the vehicles and Torres was wearing red. When shown the video of the shooting, it was advised that Torres was the one in the red shirt.
Sammy Torres was arrested on July 7, 2022 for aggravated assault with a deadly weapon and his bond has been set at $250,000.
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I was born and raised in San Angelo. By the time I hit my mid teenage years I was living a fairly wild life. I've seen and done a lot of things I shouldn't have. A fist fight was kind of a sport with the winner and loser having a little more respect for each other afterwards. On occasion you would hear of a stabbing or someone being shot and of course the occasional murder. Two things I never ever heard of back then were gangs and drive by shootings. The only gangs we knew of were in California, Chicago or New York. So, what has changed, can anyone answer that? It isn't the sudden advent of guns or "assault weapons". Back then for 125.00 you could buy a 30 cal. carbine with 20 or 30 round mags and ammo was plentiful. So, what has changed?
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PermalinkWages have stagnated for one. No healthcare while healthcare costs have skyrocketed. Defunding public schools is a major factor. No help with childcare while both parents have to work just to pay bills, which goes along with stagnant wages, so parents can't raise their kids anymore and have to rely on help from family or afterschool programs. Too many children forced on the streets because of this. Lot's of factors at play here, but working conditions in this country are a huge factor. Why work when all you know is the streets because you have no parents to guide you and you can make WAY more money selling drugs than getting an actual job. Incentivize getting a job over the streets by raising wages to an actual livable amount, make healthcare available to everyone, help with childcare costs if a single parent, fund schools better with smaller class rooms so teachers aren't overwhelmed and have time for individual "one-on-ones".
You probably will ask "who will pay for all of this"? Well, we all pay taxes and we can lower the military budget, tax the rich at the same level that ordinary citizens pay, which would be enough to pay for all of this, and the investment in our youth will pay for itself over time.
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PermalinkHuh, so all of that is what caused gangs and drive by shootings. Who would have thought?
Oh, since you brought it up, both of my parents worked as did every friend's or relative I ever knew. It was normal and expected for both parents to work to build a better life for themselves and help their kids as needed. During high school I worked during the summers as did most of my friends because it was expected by society. After graduation, you were expected to get a job, go to college or join the military. There was no one there to pat you on the back and tell you it's ok if you don't want to work because the government will pay what you deserve. If you don't earn it you don't deserve anything. Taxing the rich is total BS. Most of the wealthy got that way because they either worked harder or smarter than the other guy. Contrary to liberal belief, it is not the government's job to financially support you.
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Permalink"It was normal and expected for both parents to work to build a better life for themselves and help their kids as needed."
How many jobs each? Day jobs while you were in school?
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PermalinkI have a hard time understanding what the point is on this topic. Reading this one and the one for drug dealer on 7/07 sounds like just media hear say to me. To start off, what's a gangbanger? But at the same time his describe as a gang member, so why not just say a gang member. Banger sounds to me as if someone bangs on something. It says he was caught because someone mentioned his name and when they looked at the body cam they saw him sitting in the living room. So if someone is going to do a drive by...... Why would he come back and sit in the living room???? Now on the drug deal that was caught Thursday night, the officer was working and saw him with dark window's at 10:30 am , so I wonder if he was going south to get the drugs and on his way back that night he got caught???? Don't understand. Sometimes we hear what sounds good for the media, not how the story really was.
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