A Broken Air Conditioner Heater Belt Gives Mathis Field a Fire Scare


Disaster was averted at The Mathis Field Café located in the San Angelo Airport Terminal building this morning. At approximately 8:50 a.m., fire alarms sounded and smoke could be seen bellowing out of the popular diner. Passengers and employees evacuated the building and stood outside in the uncomfortably cold 32-degree weather.

Nine San Angelo Fire Department vehicles, including three large pumper trucks responded within minutes.  Firemen methodically cleared the area and discovered that a belt from one of the many large air conditioning and heating units had frayed and busted, sending smoke and the smell of burnt rubber throughout the restaurant.

The firemen fanned the smoke out of the restaurant and the City of San Angelo’s airport operations staff replaced the broken belt. Passengers awaiting the 10:50 a.m. departure of American Eagle Airlines returned to the warm confines of the terminal and the day went back to normal. 

Mathis Field Café will be open for lunch at 11 a.m.

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