WATCH: Cecillia Abbott Congratulates Children's Advocacy Center of Greater West Texas on Grand Opening

SAN ANGELO, TX – Texas First Lady Cecilia Abbott delivered remarks on Thursday at the grand opening of the Children's Advocacy Center (CAC) of Greater West Texas' new Stephens Campus for Children and Families in San Angelo. The grand opening also marked the 30th anniversary of the organization. 

"This beautiful new campus has been several years in the making, and I am excited that it is now a reality thanks to the dedicated work of so many partners," the First Lady said. "When we work together to put children first, we see amazing things happen, and the Stephens Campus for Children and Families is a living example of CAC of Greater West Texas' commitment to surrounding children in our community with love and support. I am grateful for our continued partnership as we ensure every child in Texas has the opportunity to live a life worthy of their immense promise." 

Children’s Advocacy Center of Greater West Texas, Inc. was established in Tom Green County in 1991 to provide support to victims of child abuse and their non-offending caregivers. CAC offers child abuse victims and non-offending caregivers a warm, home-like environment and utilizes a child-friendly, multidisciplinary approach throughout the investigation, prosecution, and healing process.

Watch the video of the grand opening celebration above.

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I'm sure the CAC would have been much more appreciative to receive congratulations instead.


I find her even less impressive than her hubby, which is difficult to do.

As an aside, the headline horribly misspelled "congratulates".  It would seem there are no journalistic standards being applied here.

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