Both Drivers Claim to Have Had Green Light in Afternoon Crash


All drivers claimed to have a green light in a minor motor vehicle accident that occurred this afternoon at the five-way intersection at Avenue N, Koenigheim, Old Knickerbocker Road and Ben Ficklin Road.

SAPD Officer Brian Bylsma said a white Ford Ranger and a silver Dodge Stratus were sitting in the intersection when he arrived on scene. Bylsma said the driver of the Stratus said she was coming off Old Knickerbocker Road and had a green light. The driver of the white pickup, who was traveling on Ave. N also claimed to have a green light.

The vehicles collided in the intersection. A witness stopped at the red light on Koenigheim said he didn't see much of what was going on, Bylsma said. He looked down, then back up and both cars were coming at him.

Due to a lack of witnesses, neither driver will be cited. There were no injuries reported in the crash.

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I'm not the sharpest tool in the box, but I am certain that one of these two drivers is lying about thinking he had a green light.
JK! I don't get it confused but I have seen other drivers look confused by which light is theirs and maybe looking at the wrong one, while I honk my horn behind them. I have actually rolled my window down and yelled, "hey your lights green!" and then they look back at me with angry eyes, and then look up and go. Anyway! Maybe the city could put up street signs on the wires going across. Of course, then people will have to know what street they are on.

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