EDINBURG, TX – Rio Grande Valley (RGV) Sector Border Patrol Agents disrupted five illegal alien smuggling attempts in collaboration with local law enforcement this week in the valley.
On Jan. 19, a McAllen Border Patrol Station (MCS) agent observed suspected illegal aliens load into a silver Ford Escape near Havana, TX and requested assistance from the Hidalgo County Sheriff’s Office. A deputy attempted to conduct a vehicle stop, but it failed to yield and led the deputy on a vehicle pursuit. The pursuit came to an end when the driver veered off the road and several illegals ran off into nearby brush. A CBP Air and Marine Operations helicopter, Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS) troopers, and agents responded to the area. Five illegal immigrants from Mexico were apprehended. The driver was not located.
Later that morning, DPS engaged in a vehicle pursuit and requested assistance from MCS agents to locate the subjects that fled from the vehicle near Penitas, TX. Agents apprehended 12 illegals from Central America, to include a 16-year-old unaccompanied child. An adult male needed to be transported to a medical facility for lacerations sustained from a barbed wire fence to his hand while he was attempting to elude apprehension. The driver was not located.
That evening, RGV agents attempted to conduct a vehicle stop on a Ford Fusion near Norias, TX. The vehicle failed to yield and led agents on a vehicle pursuit until it came to a stop in the median of U.S. Highway 77. The driver and approximately six suspected illegal aliens fled from the vehicle. A search of the vehicle revealed three unlawfully present migrants locked in the trunk. The driver and no other subjects were not located.
At approximately the same time, agents and DPS troopers had another vehicle pursuit with a Dodge Avenger on U.S. Highway 281 and approximately seven occupants fled near Linn, TX. After a search of the area, four subjects to include the driver were apprehended. The driver, a United States Citizen, sustained a cut to his nose from a barbed wire fence and was turned over to the troopers to face charges for evading arrest and human smuggling.
Thursday morning, DPS troopers had a vehicle pursuit with a Dodge Durango in Mission. MCS agents were requested and determined the seven occupants to be illegals from Mexico, Venezuela, and Guatemala. Troopers retained custody of the driver, a Mexican national, to face state charges for evading arrest and human smuggling.
All subjects are being processed accordingly.
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biden needs to be impeached before he can damage the United States anymore than he already has.
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PermalinkOne might as well say, with clearly more justification, that Trump should be indicted, tried, and convicted of the crimes he committed associated with the reversal of a election devoid of any proof of wholesale fraud in a desperate, hideous , shameful attempt to retain his grasp on power. In this as in other instances he has harmed this country on a previously unimaginable scale, and he deserves comeuppance for all.
And, of course, we have his criminal business practices that now escape the shield once protecting them from scrutiny. Such a family... he decided which of his precious children should go to prison should the legal hammer come down. I cannot help but wonder what the sacrificial child thinks about that.
Trump is a pig. Over my long lifetime I have voted for more Republicans than I have Democrats. In the future, however, I will not vote for or contribute to ANY person of any stripe that has ever stated support for this vile creature. Anybody who does that is either a liar (i.e., coward) or a total fool.
In closing... anyone who believes the 2020 election was "stolen" is an idiot.
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PermalinkWell, you had a lot to say. I'm not sure what it amounted to, so let's break it down.
"Trump should be indicted, tried, and convicted of the crimes he committed associated with the reversal of a election".
What are the exact crimes he's guilty of? I don't need a copy and paste like your cohort requires and I don't want to hear something Whoopi spewed out or someone's opinion but, the exact crime in your own words.
" he has harmed this country on a previously unimaginable scale"
What exactly has he done to harm this country? He got North Korea to backoff. That's something obama couldn't do. He was actually making progress for peace in the Mid-East. Then biden took the reins and now look at the cluster ***k he created. Trump did more to stop illegal immigration than has been done in decades in spite of Queen nancy and her ilk fighting him every step of the way. Then biden using his razor sharp intelligence removed all the deterrents that had been put in place. Our economy was coming back strong before covid hit. When covid did hit, he did everything possible to get a vaccine on it's way, even though biden would like to take credit for that.
"And, of course, we have his criminal business practices"
Here again, I would appreciate specifics not opinion or hearsay. While we are at it, can we also discuss biden and his family's ties to China and all the business dealings involved.
"Trump is a pig"
That is your opinion and you have every right to voice it. biden is a creep that likes to smell little girl's hair and for some reason likes to whisper into microphones.
I would like to close by saying anyone that supports biden is a clueless imbecile.
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PermalinkI opine that anyone who has overlooked the maleficent behavior of Trump the past few years has either (1) been in a coma, from which I hope he/she has recovered without too much muscular deterioration, or (2) been abducted by aliens and hopefully has since recovered from wholly inappropriate application of certain probes. The evidence is there, and were I to provide pathways to that evidence it would be immediately discounted because of the mental myopia suffered by Trumpians. The evidence has been there all along.
I do not intend to get into a pissing contest here with Trump fans. Pissing contests here are too bloody common, and are downright silly. Going unnamed, some of the frequent posters here seem to delight in trading mindless insults back and forth. That's childish. My position in matters political is clear and will remain unchanged by anything I see here unless I see something backed by verifiable evidence as opposed to mindless tripe.
Lest anyone misundertand my stance, Trump is a soulless, self-serving pig.
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PermalinkJust about everything you said is a lie or your opinion or a combination of the two. One thing I will address - (Saluted a North Korean general if Obama had done this you would be all over it) You're right, obama never saluted a North Korean General. As the US President he bowed to the Saudi King.
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PermalinkYou lying moron! It's very plain to see they both are lowering their heads so that he can place the necklace around their necks. You are nothing but a lying moron.
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