Police: San Angelo Driver with 30-Pack of Tecate and Bottle of Crown Fails Sobriety Test


A man was arrested Wednesday night for drunk driving on North Bell Street. According to the San Angelo police, an officer was flagged down on the Houston-Harte and informed by a concerned citizen that an impaired driver was driving a white Ram 1500 crew cab.

The truck was seen driving erratically eastbound on the expressway and exited Bell Street, headed north.

As police traced the suspected path of the white Ram, they observed a swath of destruction. An old Ford F-350 farm pickup was sideswiped with the driver inside. The white Ram’s front left tire was completely torn off to the wheel. The right wheel was completely sheared off at the axle due to multiple run-ins with objects on either side of the road. There was a rut plowed into the shoulder’s grass at intervals where the Ram Truck ran off and then back onto the roadway.

When police reached the truck, the driver was found unconscious in the cab. Inside, there was a cooler in the back seat containing beer and a bottle of Crown Royal. Next to the cooler was a 30-pack of Tecate beer. In the back of the truck was an empty 30-pack Tecate box.

Police said the driver failed the field sobriety test and was taken into custody.

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jdgt, Thu, 07/31/2014 - 08:18
Sounds to me like the dude couldn't even take the test! (if he can't pass or fail, how can the test hold up in court?) :P
are you sure thats all he had. He looks pretty prepaired with a cooler in the front and the back. He was on a mission! lol On a serious note so glad no one was injured.
I understand you guys try to get a rise out of each other but come on. Just about every day we see behavior like this and it takes innocent lives. I promise if you had someone close to you that was injured or worse by people like this guy you wouldn't have. Trust me.
Yeah, but this time no lives were taken. Relax and breathe Dennis, it's okay to not always consider a case worse than it is. I could've stubbed my toe walking through my dark bedroom last night, but this time, I didn't.

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