San Angelo Unable to Maintain Current Lake Nasworthy Water Levels


The City of San Angelo’s Water Utilities Department has been able to maintain the level of Lake Nasworthy in recent months by pumping the available water in Twin Buttes Reservoir’s “dead” storage pools (meaning the water would not flow without mechanical support) by using portable pumps in Twin Buttes’ south and north pools. All of the available water has been exhausted, and the pumping operation has ceased. 

The City is required to make releases from Nasworthy downstream to water rights holders in accordance with the Concho Water Master Program, as stipulated by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality.

Without replenishing rainfall, the level of Lake Nasworthy will continue to decline. During the remaining fall and winter months, the decline should be minimal as cooler temperatures result in reduced water usage and evaporation rates.

The City is currently relying on O.H. Ivie Reservoir for most of its raw water needs. O.C. Fisher Reservoir, which had previously been dry, received about 2,500 acre-feet of water from recent rains, and the City has begun using that resource to supplement the water from Ivie. An acre-foot equals 325,851 gallons.

Without adequate rainfall, Lake Nasworthy’s water level could see dramatic changes during the spring and summer of 2014. Increased demands and evaporation could have a significant impact on lake levels.

The City will make every attempt to keep citizens who live at Nasworthy, as well as those who use the lake for recreational activities, advised of the conditions. However, lakefront homeowners should monitor the lake for changing conditions.

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So, I guess the daily water usage rates that the City posts on their facebook page don't include the amount of water relaeased to the so called, "water rights holders". That's interesting, do those holders pay for the water they consume? I thought Lake Nasworthy was for the exclusive use of city and citizens, I didn't realize we were selling it to others. Stop that!
live, Tue, 11/19/2013 - 13:33

Water rights are property rights. You know, those rights that Thomas Jefferson said were the fount of "happiness" in one of his most famous writings. Those downstreamers poachin' water from your tap PAID for that water when they bought the land that has the water rights attached. 

I understand that there are some property owners who can pump water directly from the Concho River, they have nice green lawns. Maybe someone needs to renegotiate those water rights, especially when the property is sold or changes hands. I've also heard it said that there are certain farms and ranches that receive water from Lake Nasworthy; true or false?
live, Tue, 11/19/2013 - 19:30

There is the Death of the Rivers

The problem isn't the city slickers with nice homes on the Concho, it's the larger landowners downstream, out in the country and farms east of here.

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