Pie in the Sky? One San Angelo Woman Is Determined to Expose Government 'Chemtrails'


SAN ANGELO, TX – Did you notice an abundance of jet contrails in the sky on Monday? Well one San Angeloan believes that they were actually chemtrails perpetrated and hidden by the government.

Here is the photo shared by the woman to San Angelo LIVE!

The woman claims that the contrails are actually chemtrails. Chemtrails are a conspiracy theory that began in the 1990s after the U.S. government began experimenting with weather modification. In San Angelo there currently is the West Texas Weather Modification Association. This service actually attempts to manipulate clouds to make it rain by putting chemicals in the air. For more click here.

"It is vital  that we open our eyes," stated the woman in the email to San Angelo LIVE! "Most do not even look up nor do they think their own government would ever do anything to harm them. Well.... look at what is going on with the Covid Plandemic worldwide and then it isn't far fetched that they ( Govt/Deep State/ Cabal-- includes many at all levels of Govt and some even in the military)  have also  been controlling the weather, damaging our health, killing trees,  reducing crop production ect..."

The woman then referenced a small independent website that tracks "chemtrials." The site claims that the government is dimming the skies by putting chemicals that blocks out the sun's light.

"We need to be intellectually curious enough to  consider all sides and not take the info we are fed by talking points or major media as truth," stated the woman in the email. "I believe the Winter storm last February was also  engineered via  Nasa's Haarp system in order to attempt to bring Texas to its knees -- the goal -- Hold our electrical grid hostage unless we turned over our guns."

Contrails in San Angelo

Contrails in San Angelo (LIVE! Photo/Sonia Ramirez-Munoz)

The truth is that these tracks in the sky are actually condensation trails. Contrails are line-shaped clouds or “condensation trails,” composed of ice particles, that are visible behind jet aircraft engines, typically at cruise altitudes in the upper atmosphere.

Contrails have been a normal effect of jet aviation since its earliest days.

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This has been proven to be true as well. Lot's of evidence out there. All you gotta do is open your mind and your eyes. 


Hmmmm, Wed, 12/01/2021 - 12:42

Bill gates tried to test blocking out the sun to reduce global warming and was rejected. It is a thing. Filling the atmosphere with some kind of fine dust like chalk periodically. Sounds like nothing could go wrong huh?

Glad I'm not the only one in San Angelo awake to all the bull malarkey goin on. Instead of calling this lady crazy or making fun of her, how about taking the time to actually research what she's saying. She speaks the truth.

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