Biden's Leftist Justice Department Sues Texas Over Voting Integrity Law


SAN ANTONIO, TX – President Biden's Justice Department Thursday sued the State of Texas for its Voter Integrity law falsely accusing the state of voter suppression. 

In the hyper-politicized filing in the U.S. Western District of Texas Federal Court in San Antonio, the far-left Biden Administration says, "The challenged provisions will disenfranchise eligible Texas citizens who seek to exercise their right to vote, including voters with limited English proficiency, voters with disabilities, elderly voters, members of the military deployed away from home, and American citizens residing outside of the country. These vulnerable voters already confront barriers to the ballot box, and SB 1 will exacerbate the challenges they face in exercising their fundamental right to vote."

Gov. Abbott responded to the suit in a tweet: "Bring it. The Texas election integrity law is legal. It INCREASES hours to vote. It does restrict illegal mail ballot voting. Only those who qualify can vote by mail. It also makes ballot harvesting a felony. In Texas it is easier to vote but harder to cheat."

Texas Democrats were in lockstep with the National Socialists in Washington playing the race card calling all Texas Republicans racists and begging Washington to override 240 years of states' voting rights: "Senate Bill 1 was passed for one purpose: to create barriers to voting, in an attempt to shut down the voices of millions of Black and Brown Texans.  Although we are grateful for today’s challenge to parts of S.B. 1, we cannot stop pushing for our legislators in Congress to act now.  We need our Senators to reform the filibuster and immediately pass both the John Lewis Voting Rights Act and the Freedom to Vote Act to save our democracy and to protect every American voter.”

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By virtue of the headline this story indicates it has little value in objective discussion.  Yantis might be a good guy, and what I have heard he is, but he is hardly a journalist... or the headline writer is not.

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