Texas Hospital Association Sides with Biden's National Socialist Vaccine Mandates


AUSTIN – The Texas Hospital Association issued the following statement on new state action attempting to prohibit vaccine mandates by any entity. The statement is from Ted Shaw, THA president and CEO:

“The time is now to set politics aside and let hospitals do what’s best to protect their patients. Texas hospitals strongly oppose efforts underway to hamstring them from being able to require vaccination of their own staff, many of whom are at the bedside every day with children and adults who are vulnerable to COVID-19. This political action undercuts the central mission of hospitals, and patients and staff cannot be put at unnecessary risk. Hospitals have soldiered on for months at ground zero of this pandemic. As experts in healing and saving lives, hospitals must have the trust, respect and flexibility to mandate vaccines in their own facilities to protect the people of Texas.”

The heavy handed mandate statement comes after Gov. Abbott banned vaccine mandates in Texas on Monday: 

Governor Greg Abbott Monday issued an executive order stating that no entity in Texas can compel receipt of a COVID-19 vaccination by any individual, including an employee or consumer, who objects to such vaccination for any reason of personal conscience, based on a religious belief, or for medical reasons, including prior recovery from COVID-19. Governor Abbott also sent a message to the the Chief Clerk of the House and Secretary of the Senate adding this issue as an item to the Third Special Session agenda. The executive order will be rescinded upon the passage of such legislation. 

"The COVID-19 vaccine is safe, effective, and our best defense against the virus, but should remain voluntary and never forced," said Governor Abbott.


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Of course the hospitals agree with uncle Joe. They have to have the government support, like the rest of the socialist!

Texas is so much better than these Republicans that run our government are making us look.  We are a state the rest of the country used to like coming to.  We had a history of hospitality. These Republicans make us look like Nazis. We're better than this.

Notice no one has opted to just test their employees?? It's take the jab or else. If that doesn't tell us anything..

Well hell yes they're going to back the illegal president. At $50,000+ that the federal government is giving hospitals for each death that can be labeled that it was caused by covid, they eagerly sit beside their mailboxes daily just waiting to open and cash those checks. Why do you think they refuse to use drugs that are proven to work against covid, and instead use the protocol of using remdesmivir as the drug to treat covid patients when it is proven to be and called the "Death Drug" by doctors and researchers, who unlike the government, want the truth known......


VinceS, Wed, 10/13/2021 - 14:30

Don't make me laugh!
You're interested in doing what's best for the health and safety of patients?
Oh, is that why doctors who work at many of THA-member hospitals refuse to prescribe Ivermectin for a patient who is hospitalized with COVID-19 symptoms when there is study after study showing the effectiveness of the inexpensive drug?  It is NOT a horse de-wormer, by the way.  It has been used since the 80s to prevent river blindness in poor African and Asian countries.  But what do you care about facts?
You care about the patient's health??
Oh, is that why you fail to give them effective medicines so they can go home, get worse and then come back to the hospital so you can stick them on a ventilator to die?
Give me a break!!

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