Gold Ring Found Along Side Unidentifiable Skeletal Remains


LUBBOCK, TX – The Lubbock Police Department is asking for help in identifying a ring that was found alongside skeletal remains.

According to the LPD, on March 15, officers with the LPD were dispatched to the 300 block of North Avenue Q Dr. for the report of a possible deceased person.

When officers arrived they spoke with someone who was walking there dog and learned that they had stumbled upon skeletal remains.

As of now police have only have confirmed that it is a 15 to 30-year-old male with a partial upper denture. Here is a picture of the ring that was found:

Ring Found Near Remains

Ring Found Near Remains (Contributed: LPD) 

Anyone with relevant information can contact Crime Line at 806-741-1000 or Inv. George Madrigal at 806-300-6685. Crime Line callers can remain anonymous.

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The "someone" was walking 'their' dog, not there. Please learn the proper usage of there, their, and they're.

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