Downtown San Angelo is Back Alive


SAN ANGELO, TX – Downtown San Angelo seemed to be back in pre-pandemic form this weekend as hundreds packed stores, bars, and restaurants to celebrate the reopening of Texas.

Downtown San Angelo has been in trouble for the past year. Major economic downfalls from the pandemic shut down bars, limited restaurants and crippled retail stores.

A year after the pandemic and businesses are beginning to seem back to normal.

"I haven't seen San Angelo this packed in a while," said a Downtown Shopper Saturday.

The large crowds that appeared Downtown over the weekend mainly came from the Brews, Ewes and BBQ event that was held at the Bosque.

The event, that was held by Downtown San Angelo Co., drew in thousands of people which packed downtown San Angelo. During the heat of the festival, many people were forced to park blocks away which made them at least window shop at the many shops downtown. 

"It certainly had an impact on the Downtown area," said Del Velasquez. "We had teams from across the state. Some from Houston and Dallas and some from out west like Midland and Odessa. These competitions are a catalyst for boosting the economy because it brings not only competitors but their families as well."

Del confirmed that many businesses including Stango's, Fuente's Downtown Cafe, SoCo Tap House and the Casual Pint had an extremely successful day. 

On Wednesday, Mar. 10, Governor Abbott will remove mandatory Coronavirus precautions which will only increase downtown's ability to thrive.

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Yeah... And I hope each of you that were present really enjoy that surge of Covid viruses that each of you spread or contracted while mingling with the thousands that were present and not wearing masks as seen in the photo with this article... Do your families a favor now and go ahead and make your own funeral arrangements before many of you start perishing once again.......

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